Old Friends, New Enemies

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Aang, Sokka and Katara were on their way to meet with Chief Arnook before they left for the Earth Kingdom. As they entered the chiefs chambers they were greeted with the sight of not only Arnook, but also three elite water benders.

"I have called you here to wish you luck on your journey, and also to warn you of a threat you may encounter on your travels." The chief stated in in a grave tone.

"Aang just took out an entire fleet of Fire Nation baddies. Whatever it is, I'm sure we got it." Sokka said enthusiastically and grinned widely at Aang until Katara smacked him on the back of the head, warning him to be quite.

"What is it, sir?" Aang asked cautiously.

"Two years ago an elite team was sent on a mission to attack a Fire Nation vessel. This team consisted of six of our best waterbenders and six of our most skilled warriors. Only four survived. These three here are all that remain. One of the four survivors died in the recent Fire Nation attack." The chief explained

"What happened?" Sokka asked, jovial attitude abandoned and leaving nothing but a young warrior and strategist.

"The mission was to capture the Fire Nation princess." The first soldier began solemnly. Before the second continued for him.

"It all started off well. We struck at night and boarded the ship unnoticed. Once on the ship we took out the crew and then dealt with all the ones sleeping in their beds."

"That's horrible! Killing sleeping men, even Fire Nation!" Katara exclaimed, outraged at the inhumanity.

"It's war, Katara. We can't show mercy because they sure as shit won't show us any." Sokka replied evenly. The warriors gave a nod of thanks to him before continuing their story.

"Everything was going according to plan. We took out the entire crew, we had the princess and her friends captured and were getting ready to leave. But that's when we noticed Kuruk hadn't reported back yet. He was one of the warriors tasked with clearing out the back of the ship." The bender paused letting his comrade resume the tale.

"We should have cut our loses and left then and there, but we didn't. We decided to wait for Kuruk thinking we would only be another minute. That's when everything went to shit. A shirtless kid charged us, he was unarmed so no one really thought he was a threat. We were wrong. Once he got close he pulled out a strange looking sword from out of nowhere and cut down three of our best warriors faster then you can blink. After that we tried to bend at him..." The man chuckled dryly for a moment.

"Emphasis on the tried. The kid acted like our attacks did nothing and then bent our own water back at us. It was unlike any master I had ever faced, there was no technique, just raw power behind his bending. After that he chased down the Princess and took out the rest of our team. Only four of us made it out of there." His voice was tired when he finished, remembering his fallen fellow warriors and friends.

"Thank you. You may return to your duties." The chief dismissed the warriors before turning back to the avatar and his friends.

"That is the threat I was telling you about. The Fire Nation has a waterbender. But not just any water bender, a prodigy that can take down an elite team with no training in his bending... That happened two years ago, who knows how powerful he is now." Arnook finished grimly.

"Why would someone from the Water Tribe work for the Fire Nation?" Katara asked, astonished.

"We do not know. I'm sorry I don't have more information for you. This is the only encounter we have had with this man."

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