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Percy was staring with a look of utmost concentration as he tried to comprehend what had just happened. The pen that was in his pocket when this whole crazy thing started had just transformed into a wicked 3 foot long glowing bronze sword with the inscription Anaklusmos in ancient Greek along the blade. Completely disregarding the fact that he somehow knew the name meant riptide, he was still trying to figure out how the seemingly ordinary ball point pen had turned into a goddamn sword!. As Percy was trying to process this new information a knock sounded on the door of his room, and like any 12 year old with something he shouldn't have about to get caught he panicked and did something dumb. He fumbled with the blade for a moment before the door started to inch open and in moment of sheer and utter ADHD inspired stupidity he threw the blade out the window and into the sea.

"Prince Iroh wants to speak with you boy. He's in his quarters, don't make him wait" one of the skull masked soldiers stated gruffly. Percy flashed him what he hoped was an innocent smile but ended up being half relief half panic due to the fact that he wasn't in trouble but had just lost what looked like a priceless weapon. The man left the room as Percy gathered his thoughts. After the door was once again closed Percy glanced around the room eyes lingering on the Minotaur horn, the last thing he had left of his old world. He took a deep breath as he went over the backstory he had concocted for himself in his mind. It had been a few days since he had first woken up on the ship and he had interacted very little with the prince or the crew, besides their conversation when he first woke up. However Percy had learned a lot about the world he was in simply by listening to the crew gossip during meal times. He knew that the fire nation was at war with pretty much everyone and still winning, he knew that they had a new fire lord and that he was actually Iroh's younger brother (something the crew was not happy to hear).

On the way to the Prince's chambers Percy was greeted by suspicious stares from Prince Iroh's entire crew. Apparently he looked like a Savage native to the water tribe, or so the less than polite members of the crew were so fond of telling him. Once he made it to the door he took a quick look down at what he was wearing (he was meeting royalty) the dark red tunic with black highlights. It looked weird to him but it was probably normal for the people in this world. He sighed wondering if the clothes came in blue, but with the obsession this country seemed to have with red he doubted it. Percy knocked on the door and waited politely for the prince to answer.

"Come in," Iroh said in an aged voice.

As Percy entered the room his nose was immediately filled with the overwhelming smell of tea. Prince Iroh's room was similar to his own in many ways, only bigger with more silk, furniture and it boasted a balcony. Out on the balcony Percy noticed a messenger hawk waiting patiently for a return letter. He saw Iroh sitting at a small table with two cups of tea set out. Percy walked over and sat down taking a sip from what he assumed was his cup.

"We are nearing the fire nation and will make land by noon tomorrow, with this in mind have you given any thought to what you will do once we land." As the prince said this Percy realized two things. One he already new they were getting close to land he could somehow sense the ship's position in the ocean, something that didn't help that much due to the fact he had never seen a map of this new world so he didn't know where everything is. The second thing he realized was a little more disconcerting, he had no idea what he was going to do when they got to the Fire Nation the only thing he had really thought of was how not to be labeled as insane.

"I haven't really thought about it sir" Percy muttered with a sheepish grin

"Well if you don't mind I have taken the liberty of setting up some accommodations for you with an old friend. Although you would have to be willing to work for the right to stay he does not tolerate freeloaders." Iroh stated with a kind but stern smile, as though it were obviously a fact. Deciding not to look the gift horse in the mouth Percy readily accepted thinking to himself "its better then being homeless".

Percy and the PrincessHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin