Percy Finds Some Blue

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"Urgh! What is my father thinking? I don't need a bodyguard. I'm a bending prodigy for Agni's sake. And a Water Tribe barbarian for the job too. The imbecile probably drinks his own piss!" Azula cried out to her friends as she flopped down onto her massive silk bed.

"He is pretty cute though. Have you seen those eyes and his muscles?" Ty lee said dreamily as she paced around the luxurious room on her hands

"Does it matter? Odds are he will be just like any of the other members of the royal guard." Came Mai's monotone

"It matters to me." Azula huffed. "I don't know who the hell he thinks he is that he is qualified to be my bodyguard. But mark my words, we'll be rid of him by the end of the week." she claimed imperiously.

"You know I can hear you guys." Percy's annoyed voice came from the other side of the door.

Both Mai and Ty lee had the courtesy to blush, Azula on the other hand. "Shut up savage. You will speak when spoken to"

"Does spoken about count, your supreme excellency?" came Percy's snide reply voice dripping with sarcasm. He heard no response from the temperamental princess.

Become a bodyguard. Meet new people. Explore the world. Go on adventures. It'll be fun I said. Gods, I have to stop listening to myself. Percy thought to himself, thoroughly pissed off by the princesses attitude.

He had been in his position of her personal bodyguard for almost a week now and was seriously considering trying to drown himself. If only sons of Poseidon could drown themselves. He glanced down at his new armour\uniform, it varied only slightly to the average royal guards armour.

His own armour lacked the armoured collar and heavy shoulder pads of his fellow guards. He instead wore lightweight leather shoulder pads and a metal chest piece over the top half of his torso. The rest of his armour bore no major differences to the rest of the royal guards besides his blatant refusal to wear the as he calls them "Stoner helmets" and of course everything was red and black.

"Why can't​ anything ever be blue?" Percy grumbled to himself as he came out of his own thoughts and resumed his vigilant watch for threats. Or listing to teen girls gossip-but same difference.

"Did you hear what happened to the heir of the house of Rai?" Came Ty Lee's excited whispers.

"No, and I don't care" Mai responded

"He died! The official story is he died in his sleep of some unknown illness but I heard overheard some of the house guards talking and apparently his body was found covered in burns."

"It was probably his wife or one of his mistresses, who else would be able to get into his bed chambers so easily?" Azula reasoned.

"Speaking of mistresses, I heard from my father that General Shinu is planning to divorce his wife to marry his mistress." Mai claimed, keeping her monotone

It was at that point Percy stopped listening, hoping to preserve what remained of his sanity. He settled in for another long and boring day of protecting the princess.

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Percy would never get tired of being at sea. They were on route​ to Ember island, a trip that should take at most a day, but the Fire Lord wanted them to take a tour of the Fire Nation so they were doing an entire lap around the nation. First extending the trip to almost two weeks. Percy was pretty sure Ozai just wanted Azula out of his hair. That or he was parading his daughter around to raise morale or loyalty in the outskirts of the nation, Percy really didn't care either way.

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