There were a lot of dents in the floor and more than one window panel was cracked. One with a spider web crack suspiciously shaped like my backside. There was a hole were the door frame into the master bathroom used to be. The tiled floor was flooded as water sprayed from the pipes left ignored; wood splinters floating in the pool. The granite counter top under the now destroyed vanity mirror was broken into three pieces. Shards of the designer crystal bowl that use to be the sink was scattered in and around the eagle claw bath tub which somehow survived unscathed even though it was on its side.

The scruff of his beard prickled when Bash nuzzled into my leg waking up. Trailing my nose back and forth across the super soft skin along his waist I nipped at his hip bone. Bash rolled his head back almost upside down looking at all the damage without letting go of my leg.

I felt him search our bond to make sure the damage to his bedroom wasn't a reflection of any injuries to me. He was slightly appalled and dismayed that his orderly, impeccable bedroom was now in chaos until I started laughing like a loon. He playfully set his teeth against the ticklish part of my knee before his own deep chuckle built up to match my laughter.

"Please tell me someone in the pack is a carpenter because I have no idea how you're going to explain this to a human."

His fingers along my thigh went from tingling to caressing. "We could tell them a bear got inside."

"And only destroyed your bedroom?"

The look on his face told me we were going to be late for breakfast. "We have to destroy the rest of the house." His serious tone sent me into breath stealing giggles turned gasps when he kissed patterns on my thigh as he continued up my body. "We can leave a trail of destruction from the back patio. The windows are fun. If we crack the ones in the living room too I'm going to have to replace them anyway so shattering them to make it look like that's how a bear got in won't make a difference."

He rolled over me trailing his tongue from my navel to behind my ear before his voice deepened. "You're going to have to leave more claw marks in the floor."

My voice was deep and horse. "You love this wood. Said it had character."

"Mmm, claw marks give it more character. We should keep it this way." The kiss he gave me was so urgent and commanding it pulled on every nerve in my body down to my toes, inflaming an already burning need for him into a firestorm. His teeth grazed my ear before he whispered. "I like seeing them. It's a visual reminder of how intense I can make you come." He flipped me onto my stomach to demonstrate just how effectively he could make me score deep grooves into his beautiful wine-barrel wood. And I did, moaning his name.

During the day I went stir crazy. The combination of adrenaline and inactivity made for a strong aphrodisiac. I had to block the mate bond as best I could so Bash could work. I was a nervous wreck of arousal and it was eating me alive. I was strung tighter than a turkey's neck on Thanksgiving day. Rikkard's term, not mine. One he professed while I was pacing in front of the fire place.

"Stop dat, Wile E. Coyot'e, or you're gonna leave scorch marks on Bash's precious hardwood." He said grabbing me by the shoulders to stop me.

The look Bash sent me at Rikkard's statement was not helping me keep the heat burning in my gut from breaking my control. "Bash isn't as partial to hardwood as you might think."

Rikkard raised an eyebrow at me and turned to Bash. "Dere's a scoundrel in ya af'ter all. Good fer you."

Bash caught my eye once more with a look so devilish I had to turn away or I'd embarrass both of us. 'I know how fond you are of that monstrosity you call a dining table so unless you want it to suffer the same fate as your bed you will stop looking at me like that.'

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