part 2

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Bam Bam's p.o.v

I walk in the room, and all I see is his muscly figure with shiny blonde hair. I saw that it was Jackson and I went to give him a high five. Then I went to sit next to him. No one else was in the room and I was kinda happy about that .

Jackson p.o.v

Bam Bam's hands are so soft,even though I only touched them for only a second. We sat there for about 5 minutes in silence, until Bam bam started to talk. For some reason I got really anxious. The only words I wanted to hear, was him saying:
"Jackson I love you."
But I knew he wasn't going say that anytime soon. Bam bam started talking about a new song idea. I just listened and stayed quiet until Bam bam asked if I was ok. I said that I was fine when I felt lonely and un-loved.

Bam bam p.o.v

I was taking about ideas for a new song when all I could see infant of me was a upset boy. I asked if he was ok, he said he was ok but I could tell that he was upset about something. I hated seeing Jackson upset; he's been like that for about 3 weeks. A week after Jackson started appearing sad, the other members and I didn't know what was wrong. Jinyoung said "he might miss his mum and dad?". Mark said "maybe he is getting feed up with us?" JB didn't say anything. We all just looked at one another with our eyes sad and concerned about our best friend.


Sorry for the short chapter. More
will some soon.

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