Arriving and Uniting

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The Decepticon ship shuddered as it spiraled through the atmosphere, crashing into a long-abandoned field, spraying dirt into the air as it slid to a stop. The first Stasis pod slid open and Eclipse climbed out, slightly dazed.

"What? What's going... Critter! Critter wake up we're here!" She moved to the other pod, stumbling on a fallen piece of debris from the ship. Her servos clicked against the pod door as she tried to open it. Inside, Critter's systems came online and the pod opened, dumping her onto the floor before she could gain her balance.

Eclipse helped her friend off the ground, "Critter, we're here!"

Critter rubbed her head, "Where's here?" Her optics widened as her memory files booted up, "Oh! We're here!" She limped out of the ship and looked around her, "Woah. It's so... organic."

Eclipse followed, pausing in the door at the sight, "Wow! What is this stuff?"

Critter patched into the internet, downloading Earth's languages and switching to English, "I believe it's called wheat."

Eclipse, having also switched over to English, ran her servo through the tall golden grass, "I wonder what it's for... it's so pretty."

Critter sighed irritated, "We can save the sight seeing for later Eclipse, we can't let the fleshies see us."

Her friend nodded, "Right, we need to find a vehicular form that matches the ones on this planet."

"Thankfully we've landed at night time. We must find civilization but remain under cover."


Critter crouched, cloaking the ship as a motor was heard in the distance, getting closer. Once it passed, the two friends stood, walking away from the hidden ship. The eventually came upon an old farmhouse that had an old dirt bike and a rusted car outside.

Eclipse grimaced, "Ugh. It's horrible." She scanned the bike, folding down into a black and blue replica of the vehicle.

Critter did the same, scanning the car and bending down until she matched it, only in a rusty purple hue rather than the dull blue the original was. "These are some pretty rusty piles of scrap. I hope the humans have something nicer." The friends drove off, Eclipse taking the lead, attempting to find the scout's signal.

Through the comm link Critter spoke up. //So what do we do now?//

//I'm not sure. I'd like to find a nicer form though... This thing is tiny and I can feel the dirt getting in my gears.//

//Likewise. This rust is awful.//

Hours passed as they drove through the countryside, eventually coming into a small town. Halfway through Critter noticed a nice used Vehicle shop.

//Hey Eclipse, want a better bike?//

Eclipse braked, turning, //Yes, why?//

Critter transformed into her root mode and walked towards the shop, "Because I just found the jackpot!"

Eclipse also transformed and followed her friend, letting out a metallic whistle. "Daaaaammmmn."

The spiderbot sent out an EMP to disable the cameras, smashed a window and walked in, inspecting the cars.

The other femme followed her and went to the bikes.

Critter scanned a Ford Shelby GT Mustang as she did with the other one and transformed, her gears shifting into place as her armour changed once again "Sweet." She said as she reverted back to her root mode.

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