Chapter 14: Everyone Has Problems

Start from the beginning

"Sorry! I thought you were done," I stated.

"When I'm done," she said pausing to put some more on me, "I will let you know."

Ashley stayed quiet and worked on my hair, straightening it.

"Done," Logan chirped.

I slowly opened my eyes, worried that she'd yell at me again for opening them. When they were completely opened, Logan wore a big grin on her face as Ashley stayed emotionless, continuing to straighten my hair. I looked at myself in the mirror and smiled.

"Thanks, Logan!" I told her.

"See what happens when you keep your eyes closed?" she asked.

"Don't make me take that 'Thank you' back," I told her.

"I love you, too!" she screamed, wrapping her arms around me.

"Logan, watch it," Ashley snapped.

"You okay, Ash?" I asked.

She sighed. I guess I wasn't the only one having a hard time these days.

"Yea, sorry. My parents were up all night arguing and when I finally had enough of it, it was three in the morning and I decided to go over to Debra's house," she answered, referring to one of her neighbors.

Debra was kind of like Eliza. Taking in a neighbor that wasn't her own yet acting like they were. Caring for them, understanding them, and just plain being there for them.

"I'm sorry," I said turning around to hug her.

She smiled slightly before saying, "Yea, yea, now turn around, I need to finish this! We only have five minutes left!"

After she finished my hair, Logan threw clothes at me and forced me to change into them. Well really it was just a floral tank that I was forced to change into. I was forced not to wear my sweatshirt and just to make sure, Logan took it and shoved it in her backpack.

Then we headed out the girls' bathroom door and walked off to class. I, for one, was feeling much more alive.

I walked over to my locker and grabbed my items for math and social studies. I had social studies first period and thankfully it wasn't too far from my locker. It only took about two minutes to get there. Except today it took three seeing as though the hallways were crowded.

When I walked in, I immediately spotted Annabeth and walked over to sit next to her.

"Hey, how was your ride?" I asked her, a smirk on my face.

She blushed slightly before laughing. "I didn't think it's actually happen."

"Yea, I have connections," I stated as I slid into my seat.

"More like you made a deal. 'Hey sexy, bring my friends home and then we can go hard tonight'," she joked, mimicking my voice.

"I do not talk like that!" I said hitting her on the arm. "And I would not say that!"

Annabeth just doubled over, laughing.

"But," I said. She glanced up at me to see what I was about to say. "I'm sure if I did say that, he'd totally believe me," I finished with a wink.

Annabeth continued to laugh and I joined in. We spent the rest of the time laughing and making up weird scenarios and sentences that had to do with Asher until the bell rang and Mrs. Jones began class.


"Hey, sexy," said a husky, voice in my ear.

I turned to see Asher.

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