After literally running back to her office, sans heels, she quickly gathered her items and hauled ass down to the lobby where Daryl was patiently waiting for her.

"I am so sorry I'm late Daryl!" Ivy said apologetically. "I ended up having to meet with Mr. Wallace and give an impromptu presentation."

Daryl smiled deeply. "I'm assuming by your huge smile it went well miss?"

"Oh Daryl it was the best first day ever!" Ivy responded, giddy and happy all rolled into one.

Ivy's clothes came off as soon as she stepped inside her apartment as she slipped into her sleep shorts and a tank shirt. Next dinner and while that was going she would call Krista and give her an update on her day.

Setting her I Pad on the counter Ivy clicked on the Skype icon and waited patiently for Krista's lovely face to appear.

"Bells!" Krista shrieked. "Hey girl!" Ivy returned excitedly. "Okay so dish!" Krista prompted so Ivy told her how she met her team, and then she told her friend about her 'working' lunch with Jensen.

"Girl I'm telling you something was strange about that phone call he got. His whole demeanor changed after that" Ivy said as she popped a piece of grilled chicken into her mouth.

Krista knitted her eyebrows together. "Hmm and you don't have any idea who it might have been?" Ivy shook her head. "But just going on intuition I'm going to take a wild guess and surmise that it was Aiden Wallace."

"Mmm mystery and intrigue, but how and more importantly why would you think it was Aiden Wallace? He's not having Jensen followed is he?"

That was something that Ivy hadn't even considered. She was still getting those hinky feelings from the night she met Jensen the first time. She felt like she was being watched then as well, she just couldn't think about that right now because she was just too excited.

"Well wait there's more!" Ivy said laughing. "What more could you possibly have to tell me that can top your lunch?" Krista inquired.

So Ivy told her every, single, little detail of that naughty kiss between her and Jensen. If she could have taken a still of Krista's face it would have been priceless blackmail material!

"Shut the front door you little ho!" Krista definitely had such a colorful vocabulary and that is one of the reasons she and Ivy got along so well.

"Ok so I have to know, when you were standing between his legs and he was kissing you, did you feel his cock? Was it hard?" Ivy wanted to die right there and then, Krista could be so blunt!

"Krista!" She half laughed, half shouted. "Come on Ivy! You can't leave me hanging! Please? I need to know, I'm dying over here in boredville" She sounded so cute when she begged so Ivy told her the truth.

"He was so hard it was frightening! And big? Oh my God he was huge!"

They continued on as Krista fired off question after question until Ivy told her there was one more piece to the story. "Dear Lord I don't know how much more I can take!" Krista said dramatically, throwing her arm across her face.

Ivy rolled her eyes. "Drama heifer!" "Hey! I will have you know that I'm a beautiful 'drama heifer'!" Krista quipped back. Ivy giggle-snorted at her friend's remark and then pressed onward, telling Krista about finally meeting the allusive Mr. Aiden Wallace.

"Oh honey hot doesn't even begin to cover this man! I'm convinced he's some immortal god-like creature. He's like Thor only with dark hair. He certainly doesn't belong here on earth that's for sure!"

They Skyped for about thirty more minutes and then Ivy let her go with a promise of keeping her informed on any other hot encounters.

As she showered, Ivy's thoughts kept carrying her back to that steamy scene that unfolded in her office, her body still in a state of arousal.

She desperately wanted relief but she had never touched herself like that and somehow, she was able to resist again; although it was hard and very frustrating.

After her hair was dried and every inch of her body was covered in lotion, she slid beneath the covers and sighed. She really was exhausted, knowing it was the culmination of all that had been accomplished at work crashing down on her.

With her eyes growing heavier, Ivy's last thoughts were of the man that was her boss; his devastatingly good looks and delicious lips and then there was his boss, her boss's boss Aiden Wallace.

Was he an Angel or the Devil? Was he an Incubus or a Demi-God? Did he want her life or soul? Who was Aiden Wallace?

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