chapter 1

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As I woke up to the sound of Death of a bachelor (yeah I know panic! At the disco) It was a unknown number phoneing me. I didn't except it cause I didn't know if it was a pchopath
???- Hey Y/N
Y- hey and who is this...
???- oh you might not remeber me I got a new phone
Y- who is it...
A- Its Adam you know Your brother
Y- Adam I am so sorry I thought it was it was a pchopath
A- really see you haven't changed much but any way are you still looking for a job?
Y- Yeh same as Y/BFF/N
A- ok good cause we have two jobs and I thought I better ask you instead of Y/BFF/N just in cause she screamed down the house. You live together right
Y- yeah we do. And I kinda regret it cause u sprised I still have ears. And About the job I am in don't know about Y/BFF/N
A- ok get back to me when she is up. Cause I know it late there hehe sorry about that I just didn't want to forget by the time your up
Y- nah bra it's fine
A- soon??
Y- yeah talk soon
A- night sis

~~~time skip to morining~~~

Your P.O.V
"Aggghhhhhh, I don't believe it" you here Y/BFF/N scream "what is it" i say as just walk into the room "my ex is coming back to 'see me' grrr" "when is he coming here" "tomorrow" 'bing' "huh.." "it your phone" "oh I was up most of the night talking to my brother"
Adam- if she says yes I bought you two tickets to here ;P
"Really 'sigh' that face he knows I don't like it" "umm... hello gonna fill me in" "oh yeah my brother asked if we still need jobs and wondered if we wanted one where he works" "you have a brother...what's his name" "Adam" "Adam...?" "Skydoesminecraft" "OH MY GOSSSSHHHHH...DID YOU TEXT BACK WE COMING" "YES for me I didn't know about you" "OF COURSE I WOULD WANT TO HAVE A JOB WITH SKYDOESMINECRAFT HE MY FAVOURITE MINECRAFT YOUTUBER" "OK SHUT THE FUCK UP OR QUITE DOWN...I DO WHAT EARS BEFORE WE GO...GOSH" "OOhh sorry I just so excited when do we leave" "i dont know he never said only that we have a plane don't know when" "well ask..." "Alright alright"
Y- hey Adam I know it late for you but she said yes and when is this plane to you
A- 7am uk time and don't worry about the time I actually not tried I'm the happy and excited
Y- really your that happy you can't sleep
A- well I am tried but I'm not that tried
Y- get sleep and before you go is it tomorrow on today
A- tomorrow and I will get sleep

"Ok so we have a day to burn down and get packed for 7am tomorrow" "sirously...tomorrow the day my ex comes" "yeah you do see we might have to get up at 5 am just to pack and get there by 6am to get our tickets" "oh ok well we'll  gone before he gets here" we laugh together "Anyway get up and get dressed we got a day" "OF SHOPPING" "well I didn't have a plan so yeah let's go shopping" "really are you serious you don't like shopping" "yeah I know but we are going to Washington tomorrow thanks to Adam and I just realised what will we do there?? Oh you know what never mind" "OOoooo I so happy right now come on let get ready"

~~~time skip to the night~~~

~umm.. well I tryed I sorry if it not the best I was up all night writeing my septiplier fanfic and I am super tired thanks to it but also I started this in a book for school so that was smart hehe anyway

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