Chapter 7: My Oasis

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Sage's P.O.V.

     I was awaken by the sun shining in my face. I faced away from the window and cuddled closer to the  pillow. Pillow? I opened my eyes and looked at my surroundings. I was in my room still under the covers.

      I punched the matress as tears came to my eyes. Stupid me dreaming of stupid things that would never happen. My wolf howled trying to contact Alex. I knew since we hadn't mated yet we didn't have the connection yet.

      I wiped angrily at my tears and threw back the sheets. I pressed my ear against the door to hear if my dumb father was up yet. Nothing. I went to my dresser and picked out a pair of  shorts and a pulled on a tank top.

      I pulled out my work out bag and threw in a few extra outfits for me. I walked over to my mini fridge and pulled out two bottles of water. As soon as I closed the frige door I heard the door down the hall open. I heard the clicking of heels.

     Mom! I threw the bag on my shoulders and then took a running start toward the balcony railings.

      I practically threw myself over the railing. My feet impacted the ground and I grunted with pain. I shook off the pain and took off running is the direction of my favorite location. My older brother and I had made our own secret hang out when we were young.

     I smiled to myself as I felt myself reaching my bodily limitations. I decided to go into my wolf form in order to reach my desination faster. I removed the bag from my back and bit down on it with my teeth. The muscles in my legs stretched and contorted as I shifted.

     I for one was not ashamed of my wolf. Holding my bag in my canines I ran faster. As I reached my spot I slowly reduced my speed. I trotted along a stream that was a result of a small waterfall that cascaded down the rocks above me.

    I sighed in serenity as I walked up to the small hut my brother had built. I shifted back to my human form and walked into the hut. I tossed my bag onto my bed room and decided to go swimming. I took out a purple polka dot one piece and changed quickly. I took a towel out with me and walked over to the stream.

      I tested the water with one of my feet as I took a seat on the edge of the water. Just right.

       I slipped onto the water and fully submerged my head under the water. I hummed to my self as I waded in the water and swam around a little. Bit by bit the hardened shell of hatred surrounding my heart chipped away as I allowed myself to succum to a state of calmness.

     I took a deep breath and let my mental barricade fall. I cringed as I was bombarded with the calls and please of my father. Almost like having a voicemail in your head. I tried to hear some of the things my dad was trying to say to me.

     Please talk to me. I'm sorry! Please listen to me. Forgive me. Just hear me out. I promise. I jumped a little as I heard the last voice. Alex.

     So my dream haunted me still. Mocked me because my mind knows everyone of my deep desires.

     I hoisted myself out of the water my body dripping wet with water. Walking back into the hut I dried off with a towel and just threw on one of my uncle's old t-shirts. It smells just like him.

     His scent brought back all the memories of me and him terrorizing everyone in the pack just for fun. Putting bugs in the girls beds and throwing buckets of water on innocent bystanders. I giggled a little to myself.

    "So it's settled. I will allow you her hand and in due time I will come to trust you enough to conjoin the pack WITH two leeading Alphas. Those being you and my eldest son." my dad's said, his voice seemingly emitting out of thin air.

     I crept out of my hut and ducked behind some bushes spotting my dad and brother talking to Alex. Wait. Derek's home! Just as I'm about to run out to hug both Derek and Alex the conversation continued.

     "Thank you sir I-" Alex started eagerly but was cut off. "But you screw up just once and I swear that my father and I will personally make the rest of your life a living hell" Derek's voice jumped in. 

     Alex showed no sign of fear but still respectfully bowed his head in response. "Yes sir." My dad held out his hand. "No call me Henry." he said smiling as Alex shook his hand in return. 

     Before I could get to a full standing position my dad and Derek shifted and ran off towards the house. "Alex!" I called revealing myself from my hiding place. His head snapped towards me and the he smiled. "SAGE!" he said holding his arms out.

     I ran out and hugged him afraid that this would only be a dream. "I missed you." I said, my words dampened my his shirt. "But  I just saw you last night. I told you that I'd promise." he said obiously smiling but then releasing a deep snarl that rumbled in his chest.

     "Why do you smell of another male." he asked pulling me back far enough to look him straight in his eye." My eyebrows furrowed in frustration but then I realized what he was talking about. "This shirt isn't mines. It's my uncle's so you don't have to be jealous." I giggled.

     "It better had been or else I would be one angry shifter." he said kissing my forehead. It felt so right to be in his arms. "I'm gonna make a lot of girls jealous at school." I said leading him back to my hut. 

     "Um, Sage where are we going?" he asked confusion written all over his face. "We're going to my oasis"

My Mate, My Love, My LifeOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora