Chapter 6:I Promise

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Chapter 6

*Sage's P.O.V.*

     I laid in bed acting as if I was asleep. Every time someone came in they'd leave. I closed my mind and hoped that if I tried hard enough Alex would appear. My mom came in. The only way I knew it was her was because of her heels clicking down the hall. She came in sighed and then sat down on the bed. "Honey," she started in a low voice,"I promise that your father didn't mean for this to hurt you. He's just scared. He's scared of letting his little girl go. But I know that he'll change his mind. Especially  after I get done with him." I turned away from the wall so that I could face her.      


     "How old were you two when you were mated." She smiled as went back through her old memories.  "We were only 17. We both ran away to get married because our packs were in a war. One day we both happened to venture off into the same wood and then boom! It hit us that we needed to be together. So your father took me away and we mated and when we returned everyone saw that we could live in harmony. The war gradually subsided. But we didn't care we were so in love and young. And then we had Derek. Our first born. And then you came then the twins then Jessica and Gracie and now it's  Maybelle." I sighed. "I hope your right about dad. " She stood leaned over and kissed me. "I'm going to bed. Good night." she tiptoed out of my room and across the hall to their bed room. 

     I closed my eyes and tried to listen for my dads car to pull up. I heard four cars pull up onto our driveway. What now. Dad went and got our Officials or something. I covered my head with a pillow trying to drown out the sound of foot steps climbing the stairs. There was a knock at my door. "Honey?" It was my dad. "Go away." I said harshly. There was a sigh and then the hushed voices of two people bickering in the hall. "I'm sorry. Well even if you won't talk to me... I brought someone here for you. " I heard the door creak open. "Who ever it is go away." I mumbled into the pillow. "Even if it's me?" a familiar voice spoke.

     "Alex!" I said as I sprang up from the bed. I rushed over to him and hugged him. Tears started flowing from my eyes. "I thought I'd never be able to see you again. I was so distraught that I didn't even think that I could go on living."  at the same time he took my hands in his and saw the small cuts in the middle of my palm from me clenching my fists so hard. "You shouldn't hurt yourself. " He said his voice laced with concern and sternness. "I'm sorry."

     I lead him by the hand out onto the balcony I took a seat in the hammock, Alex sitting next to me. "I'm never gonna lose you again Sage." Alex said as he pulled me closer to him. "I promise."









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