Sno 4th wall part 13

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Nekoria:ok,guys has anyone been scratched or stabbed by sister's doll?

Shimon:I did



Nekoria:didn't you know?*Summons her Shiraiaki Book*Maurra known as sister's doll is an old urban legend,legend says that if you get scratched or stabbed by Sister's doll you will get infected by her corrupted doll impureness and become a creepy doll yourself

Shimon:I was only joking sheesh

Maurra:*creepy laugh*good to know that I will have more army

--army of creepy dolls come towards them--

Shimon:*shields them*


Shimon:I'll hold them off,while you guys go!


Shimon:*barries them*

--barrier breaking because of too many creepy dolls--

Shimon:Otomi.....*holds her hand*if this is the end I.......would like to tell you that......I.....I love you.....

--barrier breaking more--


Shimon:*Kisses mayura*

--barrier broke--

Shimon:bye Otomi......*getting stabbed and scratched*

Mayura:SHIMON!*Crying while getting pulled by Benio and sayo*

Sayo:*crying*c'mon we need to go now


Via:*possessed the door*locked it*barrier*

Nekoria:*Using phone*

Sayo:What're you doing Ri-Chan?

Nekoria:Calling someone


Nekoria:the girl who kidnapped you before.........Cey*Message sent*


Cey:*reading the messages*ok I'll be there*message sent*

Nekoria:I'll send you a portal there



Nekoria:Tierone! Barkus Port!

Cey:*went through the portal*

Nekoria:Blossom-San! I'm glad you're here there's some cheesy stuff happening,Shimon just confessed to Mayura before he was gonna die! And Mayura can't stop crying

Mayura:*sobbing*i thought it was gonna be forever love! *cries more*

Cey:OOH I understand why this is an emergency

Nekoria:oh,and I also need you because I know how you love to chew some bubblegum and stuff and it's actually handy for our plan

Cey:Wakarimashda(I understand) I'll go comfort Mayura

Nekoria:and I'll go plan the plan *Flips fancy fan*fancy fan turned into a pencil*grabs it*writing down the details*

Mayura:*hic*hic*thanks I'm ok now

Nekoria:Ah! I just remembered I red something about a cleansing spell or potion it's neither both *summons my book*If it is purifying a impure creature you must create a spell that is the opposite of it's nature

Sayo:what does that mean?

Nekoria:well i think I remember making a cleanse

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