SNO 4th wall part 10 - SPECIAL

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Nekoria:I heard noises again behind my back, I looked at my back and saw again my sister's doll
Beside the bloody knife but this time with a red crayon and it said.........wanna get murdered?
I got the creeps and I entered mom and Saio's room
Said was scared of sleeping alone so she sleeps with mom
"Geez,what is it?"Saio asks"SAIO! MOM! Thank goodness you guys are not murdered the doll--"I got cut off when mom finally spoke up"murdered? Really Sheemonn? You have to stop reading too much of that detective girl manga book or whatever,and what about the doll? Are you blaming the doll for your hallucination?"She asks mad"NO! Listen Fluff is dead!"I say while a shocked face pastes on her face"DEAD?!!"she says"it's because of that--"I got cut off because I saw
The doll on the window holding the red crayon and bloody knife"LOOK!"I say while they look at the window"oh please......maybe that's just your friend tennmaan doing a prank on you again"she says while she opens the window then......THE DOLL ATTACKED HER!!!
I quickly remove the doll on her face then we ran downstairs and saw the doll and she turned more creepier
Her blue button eyes turned into black while it flowed down on her cheeks like a basara's
And a white tiger like arm is replaced by her two plush arms
And---*saw everyone hugging too tight on each other*hmm......maybe that's enough for today


Nekoria:nah let's just all go to sleep

Rokuro's mind:man,it's already 12am and I can't sleep! It's because of that darn story

Benio's mind:I-I can't sleep.........I'm too scared,nonsense! I'm not scared!*heard a sound*startled*hugs rokuro*


Nekoria:*spying*secretly fangirling*the mother is actually Benio XD

Mayura's mind:*Shaking*is the doll suppose to be me?

Sayo,Shimon and Keiji:*shaking*



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