SNO 4th wall part 2

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Nekoria:it's just love teams that fans made

Rokuro:we have......


Nekoria:Yup! They made lots of fan-fictions and fan arts too

Rokuro:Why are you here anyway?

Nekoria:why how rude of you to say that you stupid curry eating imp!*hits him with my fancy fan*anyway do you remember a girl kidnapping you and showing you some random ships?

Rokuro:well come to think of it.....yeah! I think her name was.......Cey_Blossom ?

Nekoria:and I'm about to do the same

-- we are here to discuss about............Rokubeni and Shimayu

Shimon:Don't tell me it's another weird dream!

Nekoria:Tsk tsk tsk.......know this Simon


Nekoria:yeah yeah what is said..........just because the scene is weird it doesn't mean that it is a dream

Rokuro:so are we gonna start or what?

Tenma:Yeah! I'm starving!

Shimon:you just ate like a hundred of dangoes

Tenma:it isn't enough bird-Maru!

Nekoria:stop stop,so tell me what do you think of this picture?

Ups! Gambar ini tidak mengikuti Pedoman Konten kami. Untuk melanjutkan publikasi, hapuslah gambar ini atau unggah gambar lain.

Nekoria:stop stop,so tell me what do you think of this picture?

Mayura:Oh! It's me and Shimon......with a purple haired kid,and a kid with my hair color,dad did you make another little brother~~???



Nekoria:no Mayura,why do you think Shimon is there?

Mayura:I dunno

Nekoria:that blonde-green haired boy is you and Shimon's son


Shimon:*blushing half scared*

Yukkari:*shaking seigen*hear that Seigen? We're gonna have a grandchild!

Seigen:*Has dark auras around him*

Arima:well who is that purple-haired girl Ria-Chaaaaaaaan~?

Nekoria:DRUM ROLL PLEASE..................THAT GIRL IS.......HIS GIRLFRIEND!


Rokuro:well who is his girlfriend?

Nekoria:DRUM ROLL PLEASE...................HIS GIRLFRIEND IS........THE MIKO....!

All:WHA........... and Benio had a child...?


Rokuro and Benio:*flustered red*

Nekoria:Why don't we interview them?*claps*

--The Miko and the Vermillion Byyako(x3) appears--

Mizoru(Miko):MAMA! PAPA!

Raishin(vermillion Byyako):OTOU-SAN! OKAA-SAMA!

--they hug their parents--

Nekoria:Ehem...children introduce yourselves

Mizoru:Hello I'm Nanako Miko my onmyouji name is made by captain hentai(Arima),but my real name is Enmadou Mizoru
Rokuro:*gasp*she has my name

Raishin:I'm Ikaruga Raishin people call me vermilion Byyako =_=

book of randomness with fandomness:sousei no onmyouji VerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang