The Question.

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thunder rippled in the distance above our heads, rumbling calmly. 

we sat with our feet swishing back in forth in a lake.

we looked at the moon reflecting in the water, slowly being devoured by clouds.

i leaned my  head on Niall's shoulder.

"what do you thinks going on back home?" i asked closing my eyes imagining. 

"probably shopping for baby clothes,  hanging around." Niall said wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me closer.

"do you miss home?" i said looking up at him out of the corner of my eye.

he breathed in deep. "i do, but I'm having the time of my life with you.  I'm glad i had this chance to spend time with you." he kissed my head. 

i closed my eyes smiling. 

the wind blew slightly, blowing leaves around. 

"its so beautiful out side." i said sighing.

"not as beautiful as you." he smiled.

"hey Niall how many days of school are left?" i asked suddenly.

"i don't know about two, three months why?" he asked.

i sighed deep closing my eyes. i didn't want to leave everyone. epically Niall. 

"aw don't worry Kat. i told you, I'm not going any where with out you." he said squeezing my hand.

it started to drizzle.

i stood up "ah! my dress!" i giggled. 

"scared of a little rain Kat?" Niall laughed. 

"hurry! lets get back to the hotel before it starts to down pour!" i said starting to run.

Niall's arms lifted me up and he swung me around.

"not with me!" he laughed. 

then it started to pour.

"I'm getting soaked!" i laughed.

"its a memory well remember forever!" he said smiling wide. 

we took each others hand and ran to the hotel.


we walked in the hotel giggling, soaked and wet.

we ran up the stairs.

i grabbed my key and unlocked my door.

"ill be right back, I'm going to change." i said grabbing some pjs and going into the other room

i quickly changed and came back. 

Niall had also changed into his favourite green PJ's. 

i laughed. 

i looked at the time 

2:16 am. 

i yawned. 

"here ill tuck you in babe." Niall said. i got in bed and he pulled the covers up over me. 

"good night beautiful." he whispered and kissed my head.

"i love you." i whispered back

"i love you too." he smiled. 

i yawned and laid my head on my pillow. 

Niall quietly tip toed to the door, looking back, and smiled before closing the door.

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