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I turned and ran down the hall

i zig- zagged through obstacles

then my foot caught something slamming me hard into the floor 

face first

every thing went black

i opened my eyes to kids and teachers surrounding me

why were they all staring at me? i was fine!

i sat and a sharp pain went through my nose. 

i touched it and looked at my hand

it was bleeding. great

not only did i loose my necklace i probably broke my nose. 

i sighed. one of the teachers guided me to the nurses office

"Yep that nose is definitely broken." she said inspecting my face.

she cleaned off my face and wrapped my nose in purple tape. 

totally not noticeable. i sighed. 


after laying in the nurses office for a few minutes i got up and headed back to class. 

i walked into my class slipping Mrs. Ange my pass. 

she stared at my nose, 

i rolled my eyes and turned away sitting next to Louis. 

"My god what did you do? slam your nose in your locker?" he said a little to loudly. 

some kids in the back giggled.

"No Laura took my necklace and i was running through the hall to get it back and my foot snagged on something and i fell." i replied opening my backpack taking out my note book,

"Under your eyes are black." he said shifting around in his seat to get a better look. 

"i know." 

i wonder what Laura did with my necklace. 

oh my necklace. how could she take it? i didn't even have it on for 2 hours. 

i imagined  Niall's face, telling him i lost it.

i shook my head. 

ill find away to get it back.


it was finally lunch and i sat down next to Niall.

"oh my god!  Kat! are you alright?!" he said with his eyes wide. 

"I'm fine" i said with a fake smile. 

he gabbed my hand and held it. 

i looked around for Laura. 

then i saw it. 

she was wearing my necklace. proudly strung around her greedy neck. 

"ill be right back" i said to Niall. 

i got up and walked over to her. 

"give it back you little parasite" i said pointing to my necklace.

"what this? No i don't think so....i think it goes more with my style." she said twisting it around her fingers playing with it,

i had do it. i had to grab it

i reached out and pulled the necklace off and ran.

something pulled my hair back hard.

i winced 

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