Romance in France

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imagine waking up to flowers and a box of chocolates.

or..half a box..

i sat up in my bed to see niall sitting at the bottom smiling holding out a box of chocolates and roses.

"awh niall theyre beautiful!" i said leaning over to hug him.

"im really sorry kat. i should have jumped to conclusions about you and harry. last night when i saw El and Louis so happy togther and planning out their lives togther, i thought about me and you. imagine.." he said smiling. "Us growing old togther sharing all kinds of memories and adventures."

oh how i loved him. 

"i forgive you! and i should be saying sorry too, i shouldnt have over reacted and left you at the cafe alone." 

he leaned in and kissed me. 

then he reached into his pocket pulling out something glisting while the sun hit it.

"my necklace! how did you get it back?!" 

"Lets just say shes not as clever as she thinks she is." he said leaning in to kiss me again. 


"So Els pregnant?" sam asked biting into her sub. 

"Yeah it shocked us all but im really happy for them." i said before taking a sip of my coke. "so how are you and zayn?" i asked. 

"were great! he took me out to see Marly and Me. it was the cutest date EVER. then we went to the fair and he won me a stuffed animal." she smiled looking out the window.

everyone was taking life into their own hands. 

i cant believe we only have a few months togther.


My mom rushed into the house slamming the door and almost tripping over the rug.

"Erm, is something wrong?" i said putting my book down.

"YOULL NEVER BELIEVE WHAT JUST HAPPEND!!" she said breathing in between words trying to catch her breath.

what was going on?


"OH MY GOD!!" i said jumping up and down.

i took the tickets.

"mom theres 5 tickets here..." i said looking at her confused.

"well...since im such an awesome mom i thought id let you take some people since this was your last year of school." she said smiling. 

"OH MY GOD. MOM! YOUR THE BEST!!" i hugged her. 

i better go call sam and niall.


"And she got those tickets? how??" niall said over the phone excitedly.

"who cares! imagine how romantic this is going to be!" i said giggiling. 

he laughed. 

"hey i gotta call sam i text you in a minue okay? i love you." i said smiling to my self.

"okay babe i love you too." 

i  hung up and called sam

"hey sam guess what?" i said excitedly.

"Haha what?" she said sounding confused.

"How would you like to go on a trip to france with my mom, niall and i?" i asked.

"OH MY GOD NO WAY ARE YOU SERIOUS? You really would take me?" she said sounding happy. 

"of course.  but heres the best part ill you take a person and i mean zayn." i said smiling. 

"oh my god. i officially love you." she said laughing. 


the next day consisted mostly of packing and saying good bye to everyone.

"stay safe alright?" liam said hugging me tight. 

"of course!" i said smiling.

i walked over to El.

"ill see you in a week! and when i come back we can think of baby names." i said hugging her. 

"ill miss you!" she said.

"by kid." louis said comming over and hugging me really tight.

"by louis ill miss you." i said running out of air.

then harry walked over. "call me all the time okay? ive never gone a week with out seeing you." he smiled sadly. 

i threw my arms around him "okay." i said.

we waved to everyone before jummping into the mini van.

"i cant wait to make so many great memories with such a great girl." zayn said kissing sam's cheek.

i looked over to niall and smiled big. 

he took my hand holding it tight.


we soon arrivied the airport.

"just think. well be in France in a matter of hours." sam said shaking her head.

we walked to the terminal and gave the lady our tickets soon boarding the plane. 

i sat next to the window with niall besides me. 

"a whole week in France togther. it doesnt seem real." niall said looking into my eyes.

after a few more people boared the planed, it finally took off.

i looked out to the clouds passing by us. 

"its so beautiful." niall took my hand.

soon the sun went down and the sky lit up in a bright pink orange and red. 

"im so glad i get to share all these moments with you." he said. 

i kissed his cheek and leaned my head on his shoulder and nodded off.


i woke up to bumpy landy.

"NIALL." i said alaramed for a second paniced. i grabbed his hand.

"shhhh its okay were just landing." he said squezzing my hand.

i looked out the window.

it was beautiful.

i looked over in the distance to see the iffel tower. 

oh my god. 


after we got out of the airport, we all walked to the appartment.

"wow look it that babe!" zayn said pulling sam into his arms. 

"someday im going to buy a house here, and well live happily every after, and ill protect you forever." he said kissing her head.  "ill give you the perfect life." 

"i already have one being with you." she smiled.

"hey kat come one lets go check out the iffel tower." niall pointed.

we walked over to the iffel tower. it was almost mid night.

he grabbed my hand. 

"ive always wanted to try this with the girl of my dreams." 

he pulled me i close kissing me exaclty at mid night, where somewhere in the distance the clock struck.

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