changing direction

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As i walked to second period i couldnt get Lauras note off my mind. 

my feelings for niall have always been in a friend direction but could there be something else there?

"Kat! wait up!" it was louis "Ive been calling your name for ever didnt you hear me?" he asked

"sorry louis, i guess stuff is just kinda on my mind" i admitted. i could always tell louis things. he was the kind of person who never judged or added his two sense into things.

"whats wrong?" he asked worriedly. "do you think niall likes me? like more then just a friend?" i blurted. 

"woah i didnt see that comming.. i dont really know. ive known you all for so long its just kind of seemed like your more aimed towards the "friend zone "." he said. 

Honestly i didnt know know what "zone" i was in. 

We walked through the door and sat down. at least it was english were i could finally get a break to think about everything thats happening. 

laura was a true witch and would do any thing to get her way, but how far would she go? 

i turned to see louis trying to balance his pencil on his nose. i had to laugh. classic louis for sure.  

Mrs. Ange came over snapping his pencil away and gave him a warning. "Mr. Tomlinson let it be known i wont put up with any shananagins this year in my class room. understood?" 

"who says shananagins?" he replied with a puzzled look on his face. "let me explain it to you in detention today" she said slamming a blue slip on his desk. 

"great" he sighed "some first day" 

i agree, today wasnt going as expected at all. i wander how nialls day was going. he seemed pretty laid back today. usally if somethings on his mind he always tells me. 

would he tell  me how he felt about Laura? 

i pushed the thought away. i shouldnt even be thinking about this. i wasnt completly sure on how i felt so i shouldnt feel jelous.

but then a horrible thought popped into my head.


zayn always liked her. being friends with niall and laura liking him  wasnt exactly going to work out well if zayn found out. he always liked her because he said everyone has a cover to hide who they really are. she was just affraid to be her self. "i bet shes a sweet sensitive girl under neath" he would always say. 

honestly i think "herself" is a little snob. 

"KAT. please pay attention. day dreaming will not get you an A in my class." Mrs. Ange said staring at me with her beady eyes. 

i picked up my pen. and started taking the notes on the board. 

the bell rang and i picked up my bag and headed out the door with louis.

"so i guess ill see you later?" i asked him. "probably not considering the shananagins lady gave me detention." he said sadly and walked away. 

i walked over to my locker. i shoved all my books inside and shut the door. and turned around

i ran blindly into niall who apperntly was standing behind me the whole time.

i didnt even relize how loud i screamed when i ran into him.

"jesus, could you scream any louder?" he laughed. i playfully smacked his arm

"shut up thats not fair you sneaked up on me haha." 

"hey niall!" it was laura. "come on lets go to history togther! i could use a friend to sit by!" she batted her lashes. 

"sure! see you later kat" he smiled and walked away with laura.

that little bi-

"since when are they friends?" harry said walking up to me. 

"you tell me" i said sighing. 

"dont worry bout it im sure its nothing." he said. 

i rolled my eyes

"hows Tori?" i asked to change the subject. harry and tory recently started dating about a month ago. she had brown wavy long hair and blue eyes. she played soccer and did track. he was madly in love with her. 

"shes good, i have a class with her, shes kinda dissapointed we dont have more." he said shrugging his shoulders. "i felt bad that i dont really get to see her, so im taking her out for a romantic dinner and a movie." he said with a grin.

thats harry. always romantic and caring. 

ive only really had one serious realtionship and that had been with a guy last year. he moved away to New York though so things didnt really work out. 

Harry and Tori were the perfect couple. Tori was a nice girl too, i just dont talk to her that much because shes always so busy. 

in fact all the guys had girlfriends expect  zayn and niall. liam had danielle and louis had El. 

Speaking of liam where was he? i havent seen him all day. 

there he was standing over by the water fountain. he motioned me over to him. 

"hey hows your first day going?"  he asked. "could be better, how about you?" 

"confusing." he said rubbing the back of his neck. "apperntly the office screwed up my schedual so i havent gone to any of my classes." "the lady was real nice about fixing it though." he smiled.

"well i hope we have some." me and liam were always used to being science partners every year.  we always ended up with science togther witch made me feel better.  

"so i talked to niall today" he said randomly "wow he had stuff to say." he said laughing.

"what do you mean?" i asked

"didnt he tell you? he likes someone. i honestly didnt see it  comming" 

Tell me what you think so far guys(: it would mean alot (: 

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