Lovers and Liars

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"I love you" Niall said, brushing his hand against my cheek.

my cheeks flashed a bright red.

"i love you too" i giggled back.

We were sitting   out side a beautiful building. 

We were alone.

everything seemed to fall into place. 

No drama, No girls, just him. 

he leaned in and-


i sat up in bed looking at the clock.

it was 8 am, and finally the weekend. 

That was it. i finally knew how i felt. i loved him. im in love with my best friend. 

could liam be right? could he really like someone? 

i could only imagine. him liking me. wrapping his arms around me.

ugh, its so frustrating. 


"come in" i said

it was niall wearing his favourite red polo. 

"hey you. are you ready for today?"  he smiled

"oh haha yes let me get dressed." i said 

he walked out and shut the door.

i grabbed my favourite t-shirt and jeans and put them on,

i walked out shutting my door. "you look great" he said with a smile.

i blushed and stammered "oh thanks you uh look handso- great too" 


he laughed and we headed out the door and got in his rusty truck. 

i needed to tell him sometime, i couldn't just keep it a secret. 

"oh hey guess what,i forgot to tell you." he said

"what?" i asked  "zayn asked out laura. i heard it didnt go so well." he said wincing. "apparently she likes someone else." 

oh zayn. i felt so bad. Niall didnt even realize who that someone else is. 

"its hard when the person you like doesnt like you back, im sure hell find someone." 

he had no idea... 

we pulled into the movie parking lot.

"were seeing a movie?" i asked confused. "oh um yeah i thought it would a nice surprise."  he said blushing rubbing his neck

"actually i would love  too" i smiled. 

we got out and got our tickets and sat up at the top of the theatre. 

it was almost empty except for a girl sitting toward the screen.

she looked familiar

the movie started. it was a horror film. 

a man was walking down the hallway in abandoned house. thunder crashed outside. he walks up to the window and stares out thinking he saw something. as he turned around a women was standing right behind him and grabbed him

i screamed and covered my eyes.

i felt some one rap their arms around me. i opened my eyes. it was niall. 

"ill protect you" he whispered.

my heart hammered against my chest.  i actually felt like i had a chance with him. 

suddenly there was a girl standing in front of me.

the same one who was near the screen earlier.


"hey niall hey kat, got room for one more?" before we could answer she piled into a seat. 

"wow im thirsty" she complained. "hey kat why dont you go get us some drinks?" 

this couldnt be happening. everything was so perfect! 

i sighed and got up and headed out the theatre towards the snack counter. i pulled out a five dollar bill and grabbed a coke. 

i headed back towards the theatre. 

this was so typical. Laura had to be the center of everything 24/7

i shook my head. 

when i reached the top where niall and laura were sitting i saw she had stole my seat. 

"erm what are you doing?" i spat at her

"oh i got scared and and scooted closer to niall" she said popping a piece of pop corn in her mouth.

i thursted the drink towards her "take your drink and move"

i wasnt in the mood for games

she frowned "awh is little kitty kat jealous?" she stood up and took the cap of the coke off and tipped it on to my head.

the ice cubes slid down over my face, my hair and shirt soaked.

tears welled up in my eyes.

"Laura?!!?!" niall shouted, 

i turned and ran out of the theatre running out side.

iwas so stupid. i should have never came. 

tears spilled down my cheeks. 

could today get any worse? 

i heard some one walk behind me. 

"kat! Kat im so sorry" it was niall. he took his jacket off and wrapped it around me.

"its not your fault" i said turning away so he wouldnt see my tears

he lifted my chin and ours eyes met. he wiped my tears away. 

then he did something i never expected.

he kissed me. 

his heart was pounding fast, his hands held mine. they were so warm. 

i looked at him and smiled.

he was finally mine. 

"kat ive liked you for a long time...and i wanted to tell you but i just didnt know how.... i thought i could finally tell you tonight but laura...." his voice trailed off

Laura doesnt matter. Nothing matters. he liked me back. 

"i like you too" i said "i was afraid you liked laura.." 

"Kat" he laughed "trust me i wouldnt ever date some one so shallow."

i should of known. embarrassed i laughed.

after grabbing something to eat niall drove me home and kissed me good night.

after he drove away i  got a text

it was harry. 

i scanned the text, my  eyes widened.

it was harry

tori had cheated on him. 

i rushed out the door running to his house. 

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