Chapter 2 - Dinning together and unexpected visits

Start from the beginning

As she pulled out the bedside lamp she passed by the window. With the object still in her hands, she stopped looking out, the outside lights illuminating the bushes around the house. She stared for a moment at an unspecified point underneath her window, until her mother came into the room without announcing herself, scaring both the girl and the dog.

"Jasy!" The girl jumped to hear her nickname and almost dropped the lamp. Finn got to his feet, all the senses in alert.

"Mom! You got me a heart attack!" It wasn't the first time that something like that happened and Jasmine hated it.

"Oh sorry sweety! Did I frightened you? But look! You've already arranged almost everything ... You really couldn't wait uh?" The last sentence said in a strange tone, almost resigned. Her maternal gaze paused on a large sheet of lucid paper rolled over itself. She took it and handed it to her daughter. "Are you going to hang this up?"

The girl put the lamp in its place and rolled out what turned out to be the poster of the last movie released on Friday the 13th saga. She laid it on the bed, looking at one of her treasures. "No, I don't think I'll hang it ... it would be a bit of a bad taste here ..."

Her mother seemed calmed by the answer. "Good. You know I've never opposed to your "passion" because it never caused any problems, even though I do not share it." She approached her daughter and took her hands.  "I didn't even oppose you when you insisted on coming to live here. But let's keep on making sure it won't be a problem."

"Don't worry Mom. I'm not going to go around the woods in search of a big guy with murderous manias." Jasmine hugged her mother. "But I and Jason have something in common, you know?"

"And...what?" She squeezed more her daughter, hoping she would not say anything worrying.

"We both love so much our moms" Jasmine smiled. Obviously she was sincere, she loved her parents. They had always supported her and had never forced her to choose a road that she did not want to go through.

Even her mother smiled, relaxed "Now change your clothes and get down, little maniac. We're going out for dinner." She went out and left her daughter to herself.

Jasmine was still smiling. She rolled up the poster and stored it carefully in the closet, then threw herself on the bed, looking at the ceiling. "I'll make sure everything goes for the best."

She got up, took clean clothes and her red towels and went to the bathroom to cool and change. She put on a pair of light jeans, high sandals, a short-sleeved white shirt that fell soft and long and that showed up the corvine black of his long straight hair. She put a little bit of light pink lipstick and a bit of black eyeliner. Makeup was not one of the things she used with much pleasure. She brushed her hair, took a white shoulder bag not too big and then went downstairs, accompanied by the faithful dog, who, you now know, followed her everywhere.

Even her parents had changed. Her mother had worn a black and white blouse and a pair of black trousers, while her father was wearing the classic trousers and shirt. Even Ian had changed his shirt, he would have gone to dinner with them. "With this heat I always keep an extra shirt in the car" he said.

Everyone got on their own vehicle, heading towards the town. They decided to go to eat in a fast food. They were all tired and did not want to wait too long to receive their meals. They stopped in front of a typical diner, at the corner of two streets. The light sign above the door recited in red letters "Horace's Place". They sat at a table for four in front of one of the windows and waited to order. Mr. and Mrs. Hatefield chatted with Mr. Blake, while Jasmine pulled out her gray J3 with a transparent blue cover. She had notifications in most of her installed applications and opening whatsapp she found 347 messages on the "JAWS" group. The name was a funny acronym for "Jasmine - Alex - Wendy - Stuart". They were her best friends and Stuart was also Wendy's boyfriend and Alex's older brother. At least half of the chat messages were for her. They asked her if she was there, if she had arrived, what she was doing and similar things. In fact, she had not touched the phone since she had fallen asleep in the car.

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