Stubborn Starts Something

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"That's Annabeth, Percy's girlfriend," Leo said. He was introducing you to some if his friends. You are a demigod, and you were claimed before you were thirteen, but you were late to be found by a satyr and brought to camp.
"Hi, Piper, Jason, Connor, Travis Percy, and Annabeth," you said, pointing to each person as you said their names. Then looked at Leo for confirmation that you messed up.
"You got Travis and Connor wrong," he said.
You frowned. "They don't count," you joked. They looked the same.
Just then, a boy walked by. He had black hair and pale skin. His clothes were even all black. On him, it looked good.
Leo slung an arm around the boy's shoulders and pulled him over to you. "And this is Nico, Death Boy!" The boy, Nico, pushed Leo off.
"Don't do that again. And don't call me 'death boy'." He said in a low voice, glaring at Leo.
Leo put his hands up and took a step back. "Okay, whatever."
"Hi Nico, I'm (y/n)." You said lightly, hoping the boy didn't attack you right then and there. He shifted his gaze to you.
"Hi." He said bluntly.
"So... Who's your godly parent?" You asked. He just looked at you and started to turn away. You usually keep your calm, but you hate rudeness. "Hey, I asked you a question!" You put your hands on your hips.
He turns slowly back to you. You can see the others shooting you warning glances. Leo just looks intrigued and amused.
You eyebrows shoot up. "So, you're being rude."
He stared at you. Everyone else was silent. You had a feeling that no one really talks like this to Nico; and if they do, they're probably close friends. You, on the other hand, were not a close friend.
You didn't care. He may look scary, but that doesn't mean he can be rude. He gave you a deadly glare, and you gave one right back. You saw worried looks on your new friends' faces.
Finally, he released some tension from his posture.
"Hades." He muttered. He gave you an interested look before walking off.
"Wow, (y/n)," Leo said. "I think your the first one to win a glare-off with Nico." Your face got red, realizing you may have caused a small scene. But the others just seemed impressed.

It has been two months, and you've gotten to know your new friends. After the first week or so, you even talked to Nico. He gave you short, blunt answers, but he still talked. Slowly, he let himself have normal conversations with you. A month into your sorta friendship, you made him laugh, which made you happy. You could tell he had some outer shell, and you knew you were putting little cracks in it. You two had gotten closer, and he'd warmed up to you bit by bit. Now, you'd known him and the rest of your friends for two months.
Now, You were walking along the forest, curiously, but never entering. You listened to the trees rustle and the birds sing.

Nico' POV (kind of)

I watch her silently. Her (h/c) hair is back in a pony tail (if you have short hair, then it can be how you want). Over the two months I've known her, we became close friends.
But I struggled with the feelings I had for (y/n). I had started to develop them the closer we got.
I still remember when we first met, and she stood up to me. She didn't seem in the slightest scared of me, like the others at camp. They all stay away. I'm an outcast. Maybe it's because I scare people away or just refuse to socialize much.
But she was so stubborn at my rudeness. She didn't care that I glared at her. Where most would shrink away, she glared right back.
After that, I took notice to her. She always tried talking to me, until I would finally talk back. She didn't give up on making me do things. She would make me sit close to people at the campfire, she dragged me to every meal.
It wasn't long before I fell for her. She's beautiful. I love her smile and her laugh, I love the cute little nervous habits she has, like (one of your nervous habits), and I love the way she gives me puppy dog eyes when she wants something. I love the fact that she doesn't ask questions if she finds me silently crying in my cabin over my past, she just stays and comforts me. I know she cares. But I don't think she feels the same way I do.
Today, I intend to find out.
Taking a deep breath, I start walking towards her. When I get close enough, she hears my footsteps and turns. I stop in my tracks.
I can't do this, I think. First Percy, then Will, I can't let it happen again with (y/n).
I want to turn and leave, but she walks right up to me. I put my hands in my pockets to hide my nervous fidgeting.
"Hey, Nico," (y/n) says, stopping right in front of me. Her brows come together slightly. "What's wrong?"
I swallow. Too late to back out now. My mouth opens, but then I snap it shut.
"I like you," I blurt out.
"I hope so, we've been friends for a while now," she jokes, but I see her face redden. She's acting like she misunderstood.
I feel suddenly a little annoyed as my own face reddens. "N-no, I mean, I really like you... And I... was wondering if, maybe, you wanted to... go out... some time?" I look down at my shoes. Here's the moment of truth.
She stays silent, and I start to worry. I peek up at her, and the smile on her face grows, to my surprise.
Before I can even smile back, she has her arms wrapped around my neck and her head next to mine.
I smile. A real, happy smile. My arms wrap around her and hold her tight.
I really hope this means yes.

Your POV

"Yes, it does," you say. "And yes, you said that out loud." You laugh lightly as you feel the heat on his cheek rise.
Your stomach did a flip when Nico said he liked you and asked you out. You still feel butterflies, and your smile won't go away.
You pull away enough to look at Nico. You giggle at how red his face is. He isn't exactly a social butterfly, and you know that confessing his feelings must've been difficult, which is why you're surprised he was the first between you to admit your feelings.
Still nervous, he says, "I-I love you, (y/n)." You've never felt happier than when he said those words.
You smile brighter and kiss him on the cheek. "I love you, too, Nico."

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