Chapter 26: New Friends, Old Friends

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2. Do something that makes his heart race

3. Get a tattoo

4. Make a music video

5.Sing a song with a friend and post it on YouTube

6.Make homemade cookies

7. carve his name in a tree

8. End up kissing someone special on the 4th of July, under the mistletoe, in the rain, on New Year's Eve, and under fireworks

9. break the law

10.Take pictures in the photo booth

11. Get a tattoo

12. Have shopping cart races in Walmart

In conclusion Dustin watts is cocky, arrogant and persistent but he's one of my best friends and I couldn't ask for a better one.

Me and Dustin take a bow and the class claps, I look back at my teacher and he sends me a thumbs up.

A few weeks later... Date: December 18th

Jamari's POV

Me and Anthony were walking to the park when I swear I saw Samantha. No, it couldn't be her, she died giving birth to Anthony. I shook off the thought then brought Anthony to the slide. When I turned around I saw her again, now I was sure it was her and i wasn't losing my mind. I picked up Anthony then walked over to "Samantha"

Me: Samantha?

Samantha: Jamari?

And there it was, the woman I thought was dead this whole time was standing right in front of me.

Jamari: I thought you were dead

Samantha: I can explain

Jamari: what happened at the hospital?, the nurse told me you died

Samantha: ijumpedoutawindow

Jamari: you did what?

Samantha: I jumped out the window okay!!!


Samantha: listen, I know I made some mis-----

Jamari: you left me to take care of a baby, and you knew that I barley bad enough to take of myself

Samantha: I'm sorry okay?

Jamari: so, where were you all these years?

Samantha: I rather not say

Jamari: you don't have a choice

Samantha: Iwasatacrackhouse

Jamari: a what?

Samantha: Crack house

Jamari: so that's why I was losing money out of my bank account, the whole time I thought I was being robbed by a mastermind, turns out my dead ex-girlfriend who just gave birth jumped out a window to smoke crack, was stealing my money, who would've thought

Samantha: I know I did wrong b--

Anthony: Daddy, who's this?

Jamari: this is your......... Real mom

Anthony: is this the one who visited Jesus?

Jamari: yah

Anthony: I'm gonna call you M2

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