"Yes, Headmaster?"

"My dear boy, I was wondering if you could accompany me in my office tomorrow morning after breakfast?" I kept my face blank, ignoring the burning irritation at being called 'my dear boy.'

"Of course. May we go sit down now?" I kept my voice as neutral as possible.

"Yes, yes, I will move out of your way now." He turned and walked into the Hall, pink robes flashing with sparkles.

"Let's get a seat before the good ones are taken." Draco moved ahead of me, apparently anxious to sit down. 'So, Sirius still escaped from Azkaban on his own. This is good, I will have to contact him soon and figure out what to do with Peter. While I don't want him to live, he does have his uses. Either way, he doesn't need to masquerade as a rat anymore. I could see if Voldemort will tell Peter to return as his errand rat. Sure, I still hate the man, but not as much as people expect me to. Back to the real situation at hand. When should I contact Sirius? Preferably before the whole mess that happened on the full moon. And another thing, if I plan to contact Voldemort it's going to have to be done in secret. The people who currently know of my association with him are Draco and Remus. I haven't really talked to Severus much, something I am sure the man prefers right now. I do have those journals with me. I can send one of those to him with Loki.'

I am suddenly brought back to my surroundings by loud cheering, only to realize the sorting was over and Remus was just introduced. A scoff slipped past my lips as the Gryffindors cheered for the new Professor. 'Too bad for them that he's more Slytherin inclined these days.'

"Hey Harry?" I turn my head to look at Draco, curiosity shining in his eyes.


"Where's Aeron?" I sigh at the question.

"Still with Voldie." 'I need to ask him how long he plans to steal my snake for.'

The next morning I skip breakfast and head straight towards the Headmaster's office. I already had an idea on what the man wanted to say, and it's better to get the whole thing done and over with.

"Good morning, Harry." Dumbledore held out a small sweet in offering and I declined the offer.

"Can we get this over with so I don't miss class?" Settling down on one of the seats situated in front of the desk, my gaze moved over to Fawkes. The phoenix trilled softly at me, and I nodded in greeting.

"Of course. I want to warn you about the escaped prisoner, Sirius Black. He is the one who betrayed your parents to You-Know-Who that night and I fear he is out to finish the job. Be careful, I am sure he is nearby and just waiting for his chance to kill the last of the Potters." His voice and eyes had a grave look in them, with an underlying sense of triumph. 'Probably thinks he has me now, with this bit of information.' I merely frown in thought before replying.

"Thank you for the warning, but I will be just fine, the dementors will get to him first." 'More like, I will send him a message and have him go to my cottage to hide for the time being. Or just have him go to Voldemort. If I can convince him that is.' I left the office, ignoring Dumbledore as he tried to stop me.

I met with Draco in front of the potions classroom, waiting for Severus to appear and unlock the door. The crowd was still small, so locating the blonde leaning against the wall was pretty easy. Stopping beside him, I watched as his eyes momentarily left the page of potions text to see who is there.

"What did Dumbles want this time?"

"Basically, he wanted to warn me about the escaped Sirius Black and how the man wishes to kill me." I spoke softly, not wanting anyone else to overhear. Draco blinked up at me in veiled surprise.

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