Dreams and Visions

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The girl run towards him, screaming his name... She was soaking wet from the pouring rain, barefoot with bloodied legs and arms... She was holding something round in her hands, covered with a dirty towel... Something that looked suspiciously like a baby....

"Martha, what are you doing here? We thought you were dead... I thought you were gone..."

"Bernard, I am sorry... I had nowhere else to go... Please help me... He wants her, for his stupid game.... I don't want to lose my baby, please...."

The girl who was now a woman and a mother fell into his arms, exhausted from all the struggle and tears. Bernard held her tight, and once a few minutes had passed and he felt courageous enough to do so, lifted the blanket and looked straight at the baby's face.

She was sleeping peaceful in her mother's arms, not being distracted by the rain or cold. Her face was one of a human baby, with red cheeks and a cute little nose. Then she yawned and opened up her big violet eyes, staring at him solemnly. It was love at first sight, the moment Bernard met his precious daughter.

"No one is taking her away, Martha. That I promise you."

Right at this second, a lighting tore the sky apart. The sunset was painted red and a thick cloud of black smoke appeared right in front of them. A sinister laughter was heard and the Devil attacked them mercilessly, stealing the small baby from her mother's arms, taking his daughter away and laughing... laughing...

Bernard Londor jerked in his sleep and let out a deep breath. It was just another one of his dreams, a memory in fact. The details all matched the event that had taken place twenty years ago, right at his very doorstep. The only inconsistent detail was the Devil abducting his daughter. Bernard had managed to defeat Lucifer that very day, unleashing every piece of protective magic he knew, and feeling victorious about the aftermath.

Bernard didn't feel victorious at that cool autumn night. He felt a looser and a fool. And his daughter was now far away and gone. Destined to die for Devil's pleasure.

"Bad dreams again?"

His wife's warm hands were already around his torso, as she glued her body to his.

"I am worried honey, that's all. About Hailee."

"Baby, Hailee is going to be fine. I would be worried about her enemies, if I were you."

"But what if someone finds out the truth about her, Sheila? Or her identity? I know they are not allowed to kill her before the Tournament, but there are so many psychos out there..."

"Bernard, she has a concealment charm. Your concealment charm, and you are the best mage in the west. No scratch that, the most powerful mage in whole Trudeaux. Even Brand's elders respect you and seek your advice. No one is going to realise who she is."

"But what if she has to use her abilities? That way..."

"Bernard. Worrying is not going to help her. Or you for that matter. You forget this nightmare now, and call her first thing in the morning. When you make sure she is alive and kicking, you are going to loudly admit how much of a fool you really are. Deal?"

He couldn't help but smile as he turned to face his wife's sweet face. Sheila was the reason he had found his lost hope again, after Martha's horrible death. She, Hailee and the boys were all he had left. Other than his kick-ass mage tricks, that is.

He kissed him sweetly and fondled his cheek. "Let's get a little more sleep before those monsters of ours wake up, demanding full attention."


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