Chapter 6

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Erwin cradled the boy close to him, petting his ears while rocking him gently.

"Um hey! What are you doing to Armin?"

The lemur popped his head up "It's okay, Ally. I know him."

The Neko crossed her arms "I don't trust him."

Armin shook his head at her and slowly started to drift off to sleep in the man's arms.

"My name is Erwin Smith, I'm an old friend of Armin's."


Eren got up sluggishly from his bed, checking the time on his clock "12:30". His eyes widened in shock, he's never overslept like that before. Not even when he was pregnant with Alice, well even then he slept less and ate more when he had her rumbling inside him. "Maybe I was more tired than I thought."

He stood up and felt his stomach rumble before he raced to the bathroom and emptied his guts.

Eren's POV*

Man I feel like shit, like that time Reiner put Parsley in my food back at the house. And when... When... "You've got to be kidding." I sat back on my haunches and could already see a very noticeable bulge in my gut.

I smiled warmly and grabbed a pregnancy test from under the sink, god I hate this part.

After scrubbing my hands, I placed the white stick on the vanity and waited.

Minutes ticked by that felt like years but finally the test turned blue.

I grinned and nearly jumped for joy, I have Levi's child inside me now. The man I have been dreaming about since I was a child, my beloved Silver Eyes.

I raced out of the bathroom with the stick in hand and pounced on the bed where my wonderful and grumpy husband is sleeping. "Levi~ oh Levi~" I whispered quietly in his ear, making the fur twitch.

The sleepy wolf blinked his silver colored eyes open, looking annoyed at first till he saw me. He opened his mouth in a yawn then asked what I wanted.

I bit my lip with a huge grin on my face, my ears and tail pointed straight up "Levi, I'm pregnant." When he didn't say anything, I got scared and dropped my ears and tail. 'Did he not want our baby? Didn't he want a family?' I dropped the stick and covered my face, trying to cover any tears that may be bubbling in my eyes. "Please don't make me get rid of it. Please, Levi."

I suddenly found myself smashed against his chest with his arms around my waist and his head buried in my shoulder. "Are you being serious? You're telling me the absolute truth?"

I pushed away from him just enough so that I could show him the stick "Does this look a lie to you?"

He picked his head up to look at the evidence I had and gave me no warning before flipping me onto my back and putting his ear to my baby bump. "Eren." He breathed "I can hear their heartbeat. It's like an Angel's song." He murmured quietly while carefully rubbing my belly.

I smiled while running my fingers through his hair and petting his ears. This was a happy moment...I wonder when I got pregnant, maybe during our honeymoon? Yeah, that might have been the time.

Little did we know, our happy moments wouldn't last long.

Jean's POV*

I just got back from the doctor's with Marco, still hard to believe I'm an Omega even though I'm a golden retriever and to top it all off I'm pregnant as well.

Anyway, the doctor said I'm fine and I'm having triplets like Marco said. But with extra kids, comes extra problems. For one, my mood swings are going to be  out of control more so then they were before and there's going to be a rapid increase in my appetite.

Marco chuckled while we walked home "Looks like you'll really be wolfing down dinner huh?"

I smirked at his bad joke "Yeah yeah, and I'll be as bitchy as a PMSing rattle snake."

Marco gave me a weird look "I don't think snakes have menstrual cycles."

God could he be any cuter? I hugged him tightly "God I fucking love you."

Ally's POV*

Bored, bored, bored. I'm so bored. Why didn't I ditch class with Armin? Oh right, because three is a crowd well I hope my teacher is interesting at least.

I heard the door open and the scent of a leopard invaded my senses, I looked away from the window to see a very familiar man with short buzz cut blonde hair, squinty eyes and a sort of smashed nose. His ears and tail are pure white like mother and I but unlike mama we both have spots though mine are a faint grey color.

"Hello class, my name is Reiner Braun and I will be your health teacher. Now you can call me Mr. Braun, Mr. B or just Braun. Do not call me by my first name or any nick name alright? Now let's begin." He looked up at us and our eyes met, sending chills down my back.

My new teacher had the eyes of a predator and I was in his line of sight. I put my head down and listened to the lesson, waiting for this to end as a menacing murderous aura full of blood lust filled the room.

I hugged myself as the feeling got stronger and stronger, like I was being stalked by an unseen killer. My blood ran cold when I thought I felt a pair of hands wrap around my throat. I closed my eyes and willed the force away but it just kept getting stronger and stronger.


I bolted out of my seat and down the hall to the nurse's office right as the bell rang, not caring for my bag at all.

I ripped the door open and collapsed on the nearest bed, still feeling those ghostly hands on my neck sending cold shivers through out my body.

"Ally? You okay?" Ms. Hanji asked with concern and worry laced around her words.

"Ca-can I go home please? Can you call my mom?" My voice cracked even though I wasn't crying.

Ms. Hanji didn't reply and I could hear her typing away on school phone. "Mrs. Yaeger? Oh I mean Ackerman, your daughter Ally is in the nurse's office she isn't feeling well. It looks like something really scared her, she's broke out in a cold sweat and her pupils have shrunk significantly. It's like she's petrified. Okay, I'll tell her alright see you soon. Bye." The phone clicked back into place.

"Your mom is on his way along with your father."

I nodded and then threw up.

I seriously felt like my teacher was going to kill me.


Now things are getting interesting.

Our Love Is Strongest When We're Apart (Sequel To I Just Want To Hold You)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant