chapter 5 (Growing up)

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After their intense love making and a few rounds in the shower, the couple got dressed and changed the bed sheets before they started rough housing with the year old Neko girl.

Levi held Alice above him with his feet while the little girl giggled and claimed she was flying that is until Eren picked her up and held her by her sides to really help her fly.

Levi grinned at the family moment they were having and took a picture so that they wouldn't ever forget this happiness.

"Faster mommy! Faster!" Alice cried out, her body slowly slimming out to that of adolescent.

Levi stiffened but then relaxed because he was witnessing his little girl grow up.

Eren placed the now twelve year old down "Look at you, I knew you were a late bloomer."

Ally stood and grinned, her sun kissed skin practically glowing while her ears stood tall on her now curly black hair. "I just needed your love is all. I'm a Lilly after all."

Levi picked her up "Nope, you're a weed." He joked before mercilessly tickling her.

"No! Daddy stop! Hahahaha! Noooo! Hahaha!!" Allison cried out, trying to fight of the large wolf.

Eren doubled over and started to laugh as well which caused the two to stop and gang up on the mama cat.

Eren squirmed and tried to avoid their hands but to no avail, they tickled every part of him till he was gasping for air. The Jaeger_Ackerman family laid on the living room floor of their house, grinning ear to ear while holding hands.


(In case you want to know what happened to our baby Lemur)

Marco stood behind an occupied kitchen chair in his dining room, a pair of scissors gleamed in his right hand while his red apron reflected blinding light. He pursed his lips and asked the occupant a question "How do you want it cut, Armin?"

A long haired blonde lemur who looked almost adolescent (let's say 8) with small smoke grey ears and an oreo colored striped tail answered timidly "Sh-short enough so that I can see but I don't want to look like a girl..."

Marco nodded, he closed his eyes and tried to imagine what that would look like "Hmm hmm, how about a style like Eren's?"

The blonde jumped "Like big brother Eren? Um o-okay."

Marco smiled sympathetically and placed his hand on the young child's shoulder "You don't have to be afraid anymore, okay? Nobody is going to hurt you here, not me or Jean. Okay?"

The blonde nodded and placed his hand on Marco's hand "Thank you, d-dad."

Marco teared up at the name, feeling like he had been shot through the heart. He kissed Armin's head and replied "You're welcome, son."

The Rottweiler snipped away at the lemur's hair, layering it in a fashion that would make it easy for the boy to see but would also not make him too delicate. When he was finished, he brushed away the stray hairs from Armin's face and just in time too because Jean had just walked in.

"Freckles, Armin! I'm home!"

The golden retriever called out, feeling slightly uncomfortable on his feet. He plopped down on the couch and put his feet up after taking his shoes off. "Ahh, seriously Havoc and Baldroy are going to run me ragged." He groaned before rubbing his quite flat abdomen "But I'm doing all this for you." He smirked before closing his eyes.

"W-welcome home dad." A timid voice spoke up.

Jean opened his eyes and turned his head to the right where he saw a shaggy layer haired blonde boy with beautiful blue eyes. The boy was wearing an oversized long sleeved green jacket that went past his wrists and thighs.

Our Love Is Strongest When We're Apart (Sequel To I Just Want To Hold You)Where stories live. Discover now