chapter 1

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Marcel's  POV

"Harry, Harry wake up" I can hear My maid Mary say shaking my tired body I let out a loud groan I hate waking up so early.

I open my eyes to a blinding light, I quickly shut them again hoping that I wouldn't have to open them again but as you know Mary is in my room nudging my arm trying to wake me up for my first day of school,after the summer break.

I open my eyes and sit up to stop the nudging "hey" I say with a weak smile "come on get up harry get up I have breakfast ready" Mary says as she leaves my room.

I get out of bed body aching,I lazily walk over to my wardrobe and take out my usual dress pants, white button up shirt with a brown sweater vest and my dress shoes.

I grab my glasses and check my self out in the mirror, I look quite dapper if I may say so myself I take one last glace at myself before I run downstairs to quickly get something to eat before I leave.

I walk downstairs to see pancakes sitting waiting for me on the kitchen table.I take a quick couple of bites before grabbing my bag yelling a goodbye to Mary as I walk out the door to my car.


I arrive at school with about 20 minutes to find Niall my bestfriend and well my only friend in the whole school yeah it may surprise you but I am infact a geeky, nerdy looser oh wait and don't forget openly gay and that my friend are the reasons why ,I Marcel Styles gets bullied everyday by the jerks also known as Zayn Malik,Stan Lucas and worst of all the devil in human form.......Louis tomlinson. He is the most popular guy in the school, I really dont see why though I mean yeah  he's smokeing hot and all but he is a total dick!

As I walk up to the school gates I hear a loud, tick Irish accent yelling my name and straight away I know its Niall, just as I turn around to say hi I am embraced in a bone crushing hug by a very hyper little blond Irish lad  "Niall really nice to see you too but I really can't breath" I manage to get out. He let go of me with a loud laugh as I try and catch my breath "so what did you do during summer?" he asks casually.

"Niall we were texting last night and we hung out like two days ago and our families went on holiday together.." Niall looks at me quite confused for a bit bit soon remembers
Sometimes I really think that child needs to get checked
"oh yeah I remember that it was so much fun! remember when you almost drowned while trying to get back your glasses from that kid that took them then you realized that you couldn't swim then you started panicking and that really hot life guard came to get you out" he said remembering the embarrassing moments from this summer.

"Niall remember we promise don't to speak about the first part of that story" I say with a small laugh as we head towards our lockers.


I walk to my first class which is music ,my favourite subject well and of course maths I actually really love school well mostly only the classes but I hate the people they are all stuck up obnoxious little pricks well I should probably say except for Niall and yeah,yeah I know I sound like a compete nerd but I honestly don't care well I kind of do but it's my life ans I shall do as I please.

When I walk in I just bend my head down drowning out all the people around me and walk straight to my desk. I quickly take my seat at the front of the class as usual and of course I can hear the one and only Louis Tomlinson.

now how do I even begin the long list of reasons why I hate Louis Tomlinson well for one he is just a good for nothing prick that sleeps with every piece of thrash he sees and he is a cocky little piece of shit  that thinks everyone loves him when in reality all his so called 'friends' just hang out with him because he is popular and he isn't that bad looking.

But take away that he has nothing.

I am taken away from my thoughts when Mrs Hartwall walks into the room she is a very small blonde lady that always wears really high heels with a very annoying voice and she's probably my least favourite teacher in the whole school like seriously she is such a bitch it hurts.

"Ok class we shall start off with seating arrangements?" Mr Hartwall says with a huge smile on her wrinkled face and you can hear the "nos" and the sad "awws" in the class room ."ok so we are gonna be seated in alphabetical order of your sir name" Mrs Hartwall voice rings over the noise from the class.

Everyone gets up with a sigh  looking for where they should sit, I take a seat in the middle of the room across from gorge and his brother Michael Shelley waiting for who will be the unfortunate person that has to sit next to me.

when I see Louis walking towards me with a mischievous grin on his face and I think/hope he is gonna pass by me and sit in the back but he takes the seat next to me I was about to ask him why the fuck he was sitting next to me "hey styles" he says with a even wider smirk  and then realization hit me and of fucking course T comes after S shit my life sucks.......

Heyyyooo if you have came this far you are one sexymofo because you read my story!  :).please comment to tell me what you think because im nite sure if i should continue.....anywho thank you and good day


Stuck to you-Larry stylinson (loucel)Where stories live. Discover now