I raise my eyebrows then frown. I know that there is must be something behind this blonde evil. Quinn is such a hypocrite.

"I’m with Quinn and Rachel. I mean, if these two can agree on something it’s probably an idea worth considering." Finn says to us.

"W-wait, wait. So, suddenly you two are writing the music for Regionals? No way. I think that everyone should get a chance to write a song." Santana protest.

"Santana’s right, we can do this." Sam simply said.

"What do you think Mr. Schue?" Mercedes asks dad.

"I think we’re doing original song for Regionals." Dad smiles at us. "Alright, your assignment write a song for regionals and we will kick butt at regionals with our original songs and dance lead from Mike Chang and Paris." Dad points at Mike and me.

"No! I though we already made a deal that I wont..." I shake my head.

"You were great. You can be our secret weapon." Mike says to me.

"Those your friend's choice, not mine okay." Dad simply said to me.

"Alright." I let out a sigh.

"Yeay there you go girl." Mercedes chuckles at me.

I giggle and smile at her. This is crazy. I never want to be in the spotlight but I guess from now on I'll be in the spotlight and this is making me nervous.


"First thing to do. Basic foxtrot." Mike says as he is standing in front of the mirror.

"Okay, I got to be honest here. I didnt go to dance school so I dont know those kind of dance moves." I said to Mike.

"I'll teach you." Mike chuckles.

"Okay great." I simply said and lay down on the ground and streching out.

Mike suddenly sitting down in front of me and pulls my hands to streching out together. "How could you hide your talent from your dad?" Mike frowns at me.

"I dont wanna tell him. I mean, last year was a pretty rough year for him so I dont wanna upset him." I said to him.

"But he knew that now." Mike simply said.

"Yeah and I'm totally fine with that." I nodded.

We both still stretching out with pull each other's hands. Mike pulls my hand really hard and I tried to control my balance but my body lift up and I fell down on top of him and we start looking at each other.

I can feel that my heart beats so fast right now. He is really cute and I still remember the way he kissed me during that party which I assumed that he was totally drunk.

"I'm-I'm-I'm sorry." I said nervously and leave his body then stand up.

"That was fine." Mike simply said.

"Okay start rehearsal." I said to him and press the tape as the music start begin.

We both start dancing together having our modern combined with slow dance. Sometimes Mike takes my hand and make me dance with him and looking at him as he's still smiling at me.

"You're beautiful." Mike smiles at me.

I just can smiles shyly at him then turn my face away as we both are still dancing together. Ugh calm down, Paris. I know I like him but he doesnt like me at all. I kniw that.


I'm sitting down on the sofa near the window in living room and holding a book. I dont know why I cant get Mike out of my mind and I guess I really like him besides he's really cute and nice.

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