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The door creaked as I shut the door, my eyes cringing at the sound.

I could hear shuffling across the room and as I opened my eyes I saw him.


"Hey baby!" I crouched down and opened my arms for him to run into, "how's my little Rover?"

"I miss you. Did you go adventuring?"

I nodded, pulling Rover in for a tighter hug, "I've missed you so, baby boy. Will you sleep with mommy tonight? Or are you too much of a big boy?"

"I'm almost 3, mommy. I'm a big boy! But I will cuddle with you because I miss you and love you."

Picking him up, I walked over to my bed and we climbed in and under the sheets. I had missed my son for far too long. I had let the whole mission go over my head, all I needed was to find Roan. I needed to find Rover his dad, but things got out of hand and now I'm left to deliver news to Rover, I just didn't know how.

Looking down at him as I stroked his hair while he dozed off, I sighed, "soon, baby. Soon. One thing I know for sure, your daddy is alive...he just doesn't know you exist yet."

With that said, I snuggled closer to Rover and held him tightly to my chest. I closed my eyes and forced myself to sleep, hoping my decisions wouldn't haunt me in my dreams.


Coldhearted (Roan the 100) FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now