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I had to make this work. There needed to be peace within our nations. There needed to be peace between she and I.

In through my doors came Clarke, tired and stressed, she called me to go out with the others. "We need you out there. You know the Ice Nation and Jessica best, you're the only shot we got at having a possible win here."

"It's not about the win, it's about settling our differences."

We left the room saying nothing more. The sun was beginning to set when I stepped outside, Kane, Abby, Rachel, Monty, Monroe, Bellamy, Octavia and Lincoln all stood in a circle having a meeting when we walked up from behind.

"They're here," Bellamy said. "So what do we do Roan?"

"We keep watch and stand guard. We'll switch watch guards, rotating hourly. Don't shoot unless necessary. We don't need them coming for us earlier than expected or give them a reason to want to annihilate us. I suspect they'll be heading out at the break of dawn tomorrow morning, it's not safe at night, Jessica wouldn't risk it." Just as I finished my sentence, the sound of Azgedian war horns were sounded.

"What was that?" Monty asked quickly all around us.

"That was a warning." Bellamy said flatly.

"A WARNING?!" Monroe this time.

"Jessica's declared war." Rachel said what I was thinking, "our people are going to die."

As optimistic as she had once been not too earlier on in the day, she had understood how dire the situation was becoming. And as much as I wanted to assure the people of Skaikru that I could make this work, I knew there was truth to what Rachel was saying. If it were war drums, that would be a warning. But the horns were a declaration. She knew who killed the queen. She KNEW it was Octavia. AND I? I KNEW she'd stop at nothing to have her head.

Coldhearted (Roan the 100) FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now