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Waiting for me outside was Rachel with a look on her face I had no interest in reading.

"How'd it go?" She questioned.

"I'm leaving," she walked with me as I tried to gather what they had taken from me.

"Please don't leave, you're one of us. You belong with Skaikru." She begged.

"I don't belong with Skaikru, I still have to go look for someone..."

"Roan?" She stopped me, grabbing my shoulders and looking me dead set in the eyes.

"Yeah, like I was last time."

"What if I know where to find him?"

Roan...Rachel knows where to find Roan? She couldn't even find her family, now she plans to find the forbidden prince? The one that's supposedly dead.

"Don't lie to me Rachel. If you know where Roan is, you have to tell me." Pleadingly I held her hand, my heart was aching, and tears were forcing their way out of my eyes yet again. "Please tell me where Roan is."

She brightly smiled, though it was nice and heartwarming, I didn't like the way her eyebrows were raised in a way where she would tell me but she also had an exception. "Don't worry, I'll tell you where Roan is. But tomorrow!"

What if she's playing me? She doesn't even know who Roan is? Get it together Jessica!!!! This place is making you soft. You are a warrior of Azgeda, slayer of men and you've shed more tears here than you have in your whole life. Don't be a bitch, nut up and let's go.

"How do I know you're not lying to me Rachel?"

"We're friends remember?"

Skeptically, I looked at her, "yeah but you don't even know what he looks like..."

"Would you just have some trust in me, please?!"

"FINE." I huffed and crossed my arms over my chest.

"You can sleep in my bunker with me tonight, it'll be like a little sleepover party."

"...whatever the hell that it."

Rachel led me down a corridor with some doors open and others closed, through the open doors I could see people inside, some sitting on their bed, others doing things around their room.

"You're still here?" A voice came from behind us as we passed by a room.

"Bellamy!" Rachel's voice stepped up an octave higher.

"Hey Rachel..."

"HEY!...HeEEyy BeLlamyyy." *cough* "Hey Bell."

"Okay you two are disgusting, Rachel which one is your room?" No response, "RACHEL!"

"At the end of the hall!...I'll see you later Bell."

"Good night, watch out for the grounder. She might stab you while you're sleeping."

"She'd be lucky to have the honor of dying under the hand of a warrior like me." I yelled from down the hall where Rachel's room was.

"EXCUSE ME?!" Rachel was so gullible.

"It was a joke Rachel!"

I could hear her making her way towards the room, "not exactly a fun one...you did after all just kill two people tonight."

"Eh, they deserved it."

"Alright well, I don't think I deserve to die, do I?"

"No Rachel, I won't hurt you, now go to bed."

"What? Why? The sleepover is just getting started."

"No, sleepover...SLEEP. OVER. I want to sleep. And this conversation is over. The earlier we sleep, the earlier we wake up and the quicker I can see Roan."

She sighed disappointed, "okay. Good night Jess."


As the lights shut off, I turned on my side as I laid in the extra bed in Rachel's room. What if the Roan she's showing me is a different Roan? What if he really is dead? Queen Nia had said she saw her son's body herself, why would she lie? I need to know if Roan is really dead or alive, I can't keep living without knowing what happened. Why he left...when he promised me he would never leave me.

Coldhearted (Roan the 100) FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now