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Ice Nation had just made camp before the river bend. Tents lined in 3 circles with mine being in the innermost circle of tents.

I sent some of my men to fetch wood for fire, and water. Others stood guard of the camp, covering the surrounding grounds by foot and crouched in the trees. The rest were sent off to scout past the river and spy on Skaikru then report back to camp. They were ordered to kill on sight. No one would know we were coming.

"Gona," it was Confid, my advisor, "have you thought of Roan?"

"Why must you keep bringing him up?" I was beginning to get aggravated with Confid. My thoughts beginning to get blurry, as my mind drifted. Roan had decided where his loyalty lied, and it wasn't with me...

"GIVE IT BACK!" I tried reaching for the crystal necklace I had just made for Roan, from a group of older boys who held it above their heads. Desperately I jumped and punched and kicked, hoping that I could somehow reach it but it was no use.

"And if I don't? Are you gonna go and tell mommy?" One boy taunted.

I could feel my eyes well up with angry tears, "GIVE. IT. BACK."

They only laughed and raised the necklace higher above their heads.

"LEAVE HER ALONE!" Roan came running from behind me. Instantly I turned to him wrapping my short arms around his rock hard torso, embedding my face in his chest as I let my tears fall. He lowered his lips and kissed the top of my head as he whispered, "I've got this." Pulling away, he walked up to the 3 older boys and before I knew it he held the necklace in his hand, a proud smile on his face while the 3 boys crouched in pain on the ground. Each of them bleeding from some part of their body. "Here's your necklace, Jess."

We walked away from the scene, hand in hand like usual. "It's actually yours," we found a wall to sit on. "I made it for you."

"What?! Really?!"

"Do you like it?" I asked hopefully.

"Like it?! Jessica, I LOVE it!" He grabbed me and pulled me into a tight hug, putting on the necklace he beamed down at me. "I'll never take this off, thank you."

"Anything for you, Roan."

"You don't know how much this means to me, future Gona." He wiggled his brows at me endearingly.

"Haha!" I sarcastically fake laughed. "And how much does it mean to you, PRIIIIIINCE?"

"It means my loyalty." He was serious now. "This necklace, it symbolizes our loyalty for our friendship."

"Right...loyalty for our...friend..ship." I said a bit disappointed.

Roan smiled, his dimples showing and small wrinkles by his eyes, "my loyalty to you."

"...loyalty to me..."

"But I also look at this necklace as symbol of the love I have for you, Jessica."

"...symbol of love..you have for me..." I trailed off.

"ARE YOU EVEN LISTENING?" he chuckled.


"Repeat what I just said."

"The necklace is a symbol of the loyalty in our friendship."


"And what? You didn't say anything else..."

Roan only continued to smile and shake his head before gently pulling my face towards his. Our foreheads connected, noses slightly touching and our lips only centimeters apart, just barely dancing on each other. Closing my eyes as Roan moved in to close whatever gap was left between us, I took a breath and felt the warm feeling of his lips on mine. Content and surprised all in one, I kissed him back, running my hand through his growing hair and down to where I set my hand on his shoulder. We stayed there, holding each other. Knowing from then on was the start of our forever. Our loyalty to each other would always be concrete. We were 15 then.

"My apologies, Gona. I'm just-"

"You're just what, Confid?! You're really starting to piss me off."

"I just don't think you should go in...to proceed in this plan. I think that you should rethink it. Before the assassination, a treaty was to be settled between Ice Nation and the Sky People. Perhaps it's possible to renew the terms and avoid any more deaths of our people as well as theirs."

"My people will not die, just theirs."

"GONA. I HIGHLY advise you NOT to do this."

"Are you dictating what I do?!?!"

"No, of course not. It just doesn't make sense for you to go against Roan."

"You don't think I can win?"

"It's not that, I just don't think it's worth the amount of people we may lose. Is it really worth the bloodshed. And Roan..."

"AGAIN WITH ROAN. If you like him so much, why don't you go join Skaikru as well?!"

"I just mean to say, Roan won't attack you. He will not have Skaikru attack our people...his people."

"And how can you know this for sure?"

"I've told you before, I helped raised the two of you, mentored you two until adulthood as it was my job. Not only was I your advisor and mentor, I was both of your friends. Roan explained to me how he felt for you and what you meant to him. And even in the face of war, with conflicts arising and tensions up, even when the two of you are pitted together, I know Roan will feel the same for you."

"Well that's too bad isn't it."

"And why is that?"

"Because I no longer have feelings for Roan."


"NO. Roan is dead to me. Now I suggest you stop bringing him up and let me get some shut eye as you do the same. We part at first light."

Confid said nothing more, only looking at me with weary eyes.

Jessica, you can do this. Your queen was killed...you must avenge her. It is your duty as Gona to do what's right. This, what you're doing is right. Roan doesn't understand that...he's blinded by Clarke and the others. He's been gone for too long....UGH. STOP THINKING ABOUT ROAN. HE'S DONE. HE'S NO MORE. HE'S DEAD TO YOU...Who am I kidding? I'm still undeniably, irrevocably head over heels in love with Prince Roan of Azgeda and I'm about to storm into a war against him. What am I going to do?!

Forcing my eyes shut, I huffed out a troubled sighed and fell into a deep slumber.

Coldhearted (Roan the 100) FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now