[4]Skateboarding Tryouts

Começar do início

I found an empty table to sit on near the window, I sat down comfortably set my bowl and dug in. I put my backpack down on the chair next to me. I didn't have the best of sleep last night, I studied ahead in most of my subjects. I went to bed late and I hope to not disappoint the teacher's liking to me by sleeping in one of their classes. I finished my cereal, and read a book I borrowed from the library, It was The Adventures of Tom Sawyer. I absolutely love that book, I always read it again and again. I was finished the fifth chapter until a blonde guy sat in front of me. I know I just joined this school,but I already know who it is.

Wesley Richardson.

"Good morning Stell bell," he greeted with a smirk.

"What the hell do you want Wesley, and don't call me that stupid name," I responded, still focusing on my book.

"Oh I just wanted to tell you, you might get your ass kicked in the skateboarding tryouts today," he informed me, showing me another smirk. I literally think that he'll be showing that face to me multiple times when I'm attending this school.

"Why might you think that?"

"My opinion personally," he touched his chest, "I think Terrence is the best skateboarder I've seen, and he could beat Tony Hawk any day," he admitted.

I scoffed, I grasped my fingers on my Jansport backpack, and held my skateboard tightly. I placed my feet on the floor, "make sure you tell Terrence to get ready for what I'm going to give," I warned leaving Wesley speechless. But that didn't last long before he changed his mouth to another smirk.

"Okay Stell bell," he grinned before heading off.

I escalated on the steps leading me to my locker dropping off my skateboard and picking up my Humanities textbook. I sat on my seat and sighed. Bridgette tapped my arm repeatedly and smiled showing me her teeth.

"Oh my gosh, your hair, I love it! I knew it was a good choice to give you my straightener," she complimented and slapped my arm.

"Oh about that, thanks for letting me have it," I replied.

"Oh no prob, bob," she joked and back to texting Lindy and Alyssa. She was wearing glasses that brought out her beautiful eyes. In my opinion, I think Bridgette is beautiful. No wonder Luke loves her.

The sound of the bell filled our ears, which led Mr. Steller to the room.

"Good morning students, even though it is the second day of school. We will be starting a project that will last for the entire quarter, you will need to have a partner," the entire class groaned.

"Okay, okay, the good news is that I will let you pick your partners," the class looked pleased, "but the partners will be boy girl," the class' pleased faces turned into frowns.

"Okay pick your partners, 1,2,3!" all the students ran quickly to the partners they decided. I noticed Bridgette went with Luke. I felt someone's presence next to me, I looked at the tall person that wanted to be my partner. It was Wesley.

"You got to be fucking serious," crossed my arms and raised my eyes at him. "Why don't you go to one of your sluts?"

"I'm tired of them right now," I made the 'oh really' face. "Oh come on Stell bell, let's just do the project and get it over with,I know you aren't familiar with most guys here," he reasoned.

"Fine," I grumbled, I caught a few of Wesley's sluts glaring at me. I wanted to shout 'IT IS NOT MY FUCKING FAULT! HE CHOSE TO BE MY FUCKING PARTNER!"

"Okay students, you will be sitting next to your partner for the rest of the quarter," he announced. Could this get any worse? "You will need to be reading How to Kill a Mocking Bird together. When you finish the book you will need to do a PowerPoint. I will pass out the rubrics and the books." Yes it can get worse.

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