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Olivia's POV
Once we got in the car, we drove for about 20 minutes before we pulled up at an Italian restaurant.
We walked in and Grayson said to the waiter.
"Reservation for Dolan at 8:45"
The waiter nodded and led us to our table.
Once we delete sat down, a new waitress came to tale our orders. Her name was Maddison and I hated her.
When she saw Grayson, she unbuttoned her top a bit so her cleavage was on show with her fake ass boobs. And she walked up to us and bent over in Grayson's face.
"Hey handsome what would you like to drink" she smirked and bit her lip
" erm a coke please" Grayson replied.
"And what about you" she said tonne in a menacing threatening voice.
" Can I also have a coke?"
"Whatever slut" she flipped her black fake weave and walked away.

I could see that Liv was not liking that bitch. I didn't want to see her fake ass tits.
" Liv it's ok. I like you not her" I reassured her. Liv just glanced up at me and smiled.
When the slut came back with our drinks, she tipped it all on Liv and I knew beef was about to start. I phoned Jake to get him down here asap
J: Jake

G: Yo bro I need you at the Italian place on 6th street ASAP
J: why bro is Liv ok?
G: she's about to fight a girl called Madd-
J: MASSISON! Shit I'll be there as soon as I can do I bring Ethan?
G: yes
J: ok bye
G: Bye bro

Olivia's POV
That bitch. I slowly stood up. I was taller than her so it felt more powering.
"Maddison what the actual fuck?" I said
"Oops I don't mean to slut" she laughed. But that silly smirk came of her face when I slapped it.
"Look Maddison, what happened? We were BestFriends until we were 14. And then you found out I had a crush on Grayson and you spread shit. You told the whole school, that we had sex when we were 13. Maddison do you not realise what you caused. I self harmed because of you. I shut myself out because of you. You ruined my life. The only reason why I'm still alive today is because of Grayson, Ethan and Jake. And at the time you were doing this, my parents were getting divorced so I had even more reasons to just disagree from this world. And now your your trying to take the only male that I like more than Jake away from me? Really Maddison. I was sick of your games when we were 14 and I hoped you would change but obviously not."
"Well Olivia. You left me. You shut yourself away and I didn't know what to do." She stammered.
"Is that really your excuse?"
Suddenly, Jake comes running in and approaches Maddison.
"Listen up. You leave my sister and her best friends alone."
Jake continued to talk but I suddenly felt dizzy. I began to fall but stopped when I was held up by two strong arms. I could hear Grayson calming me down and it was working. I was then carried outside and given a drink whilst Grayson sat next to me, soothing me and wiping away m falling tears.
*a few minutes later*
My panic attack had now gone thanks to Grayson. He also has Anxiety so he knows what to doThis makes us even closer as we open up to eachother because we know what the other person is going through. Jake and Ethan join us outside.
"Liv she's fired and her dad who owns the place is flying her back to Ohio." Said Ethan who  wiped away my last falling tears.
"Thank you guys and Gray I'm so so so sorry I di-"
"BabyGirl it's ok. Do you want to go home and watch movies and cuddle?" He asked
"Yes please" I stood up and got into the back of Jakes Truck to have a nap.

Lol sorry if your name is Maddison😂 I have no hate against u. It was the first name I could think of.

Reunited~ Grayson Dolan, Ethan Dolan, Team 10, Jake Paul💓Where stories live. Discover now