Chapter 16

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All I can see is white
It's just like fresh snow
No noise no objects
Just white
Then I see a rainbow going strait up in the distance. I quickly ran to it and got there in a matter of minutes. I stood right in front of the rainbow when a angelic lady walked out of the rainbow . She had rainbow hair and a pure white dress . Her skin however was a deep dark brown ( guys I'm not trying to insult anyone I just wanted her to be black so yea don't judge me ) . Her eyes were a navy blue .
" hello Y/N it's nice to meet you . It's time for you to choose ,"
I tilted my head taking a step back .
" what do you mean by choose ?"
" ow silly me . Do you choose the power of Mincraft or do you choose love ," she said with a warm smile on her face .                                                                                                                                                     " why cant I have both , " Y/N said full knowing that she would not be able abandon the spark of love she felt for Herobrine in the back of her heart  but at the same time she knew she could give the power back to her power hungry father .                                                                                                            " you do know that if you choose love then you get to choose who gets the power right?"                " really well," she sighed thinking for a bit " i choose Steve for the power i just cant let the only person i have really loved go ," she said with some tears in her eyes " besides Steve deserves it more than me" . the angelic figure smiled sweetly and nodded . With a snap of her fingers Y/N felt the strong presence leave her body and go some where else . Then the world around her slowly started to fade into black as she started to wake up from her deep slumber  . 

herobrines POV                                                                                                                                                                      i watched as the rainbow left out of Y/N mouth and headed towards the hallway . I was about to follow it when i heard a groan behind me . i quickly turned on my hells to look at Y/N . i watched as her eyes fluttered open and she looked around tiredly . i quickly rushed to her and hugged her causing her flinch a bit . i then felt her hug back tightly as i also felt a warm wet substance on my shoulder . I looked at her face with tears running down it and smiled a bit wiping them away. "why are you crying ," i asked with a bit of worry in my voice . I then felt my self being pulled forward and a pair of warm , soft lips on mine . i quickly started to kiss back putting one hand on Y/N cheek while the other was on her lower back . i picked her up bit so we both were sitting up . i felt her arms slither around my neck causing me to let out a playful growl . then she separated resting her head on my hand , smiling , with her eyes closed . i smirked a bit at her as she nuzzled my hand . ' i love him so damn much i would give up everything for him ' i heard her think causing me to blush a bit them i put on a cocky expression .                                                                 " you love me that much well i love you even more you silly billy , " i said cockily  . i watched as she blushed ,hiding her face in my hand causing me to chuckle . I kissed the top of her head then whispered in her ear " You are so cute- no beautiful. You have been through hell and survived , your the strongest person i know ," then i reached int my pocket pulling out a little velvet box .    " Y/N i know i may not be the brightest or the most handsome person it the world but if you give me a chance i promise i will make you happy ," i watched as she lifted her head and looked at me about to say something but i interrupted her " Y/N L/N will you let me make you the happiest person ever and make me the happiest man in the world by marrying me ," i opened the box showing a small iron ring with a diamond on it . i looked up at her to see her with her mouth hung open with eyes widened trying to process what was going on . " i wouldn't like to ," my expression grew grim as my heart broke " I would LOVE to i NEED to ," she said wrapping her arms around me in a hug ,knocking me over . i heard her giggling and i chuckled at her adorableness . i took the ring and got her hand slipping it on her hand . I then felt her relax in my arms as she whispers " i love ya Hero ," "love you most ," i  then grabbed her chin making her face me . i smiled sweetly at her then i kiss her forehead . i then looked back at her as her face was a tomato . she then laid her head on my chest and i was about to try and make a move but i heard a ignoring pigman " BOSS STEVE WANTS YOU ," i sighed and Y/N got off of me . i walked to the door and i heard Y/N foot steps behind me . i saw steve and i felt the same powerful energy that i felt come from the rainbow radiate off of him .                                                                                            " Brother i am the new ruler of Mincraft ,"

so guys i have a question . lemon or no lemon ?

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