Chapter 5

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I woke up , chained to a bed . Then I saw my father walk into the darkened room and walk over to me .
" well well Y/N , you thought you could get away we'll think again ,"
He then leaned down to my ear and whispered .
" the one person you trusted left you , Herobrine left you to me ,"
Then he did a old fashion evil crackle. He then left , no beating , no more cruel words , we just left .
'I knew Hero would hurt me in the end ,'
I bawled my self to sleep .
Notch's POV ( yea I did )
My brother finally made a good decision for once . Now the proficiency ender predicted will not come true . I then felt a tap on my shoulder . I turned and it was my little brother .
" hi there Steve what do you need ,"
" why are you hurting the girl , hero told me what you did so give me one reason I should not take her back to hero ,"
This disobedience will not be excepted by my own creation , my own brother .
" Steve she is my daughter now or you gana believe you murder brother or your creator ,"
" hero would not lye about that because he has to much pride on hurting people ,"
And then I lost it and yelled at Steve for a good five minutes about how he is on my side and if he is not he will join his brother in the nether . He nodded and left . I must not allow my daughter to be around Minecraft or she will turn everyone against me , taking my game away from me .
Herobrine's POV
I did not like turning her over but I had to my brother I hate to admit but he is stronger than me . I hacked the video camera on Y/N and I could do is watch as she cried chained up . Then notch just had to put a new code in the game to keep me here in the nether so I spend a whole day working it out and finnaly got it decoded . I then just watched Y/N in her bed chained asleep . She looked so peaceful when she was asleep . I just wanted to be there and cuddle her in my chest and keep her safe but if I did it would just hurt the both of us .
He's back again why ?
He entered the room with his head hanged low then looked up at me .
" I will help you get Y/N back from notch ,"

Fixing two souls(Herobrine x depressed abused reader)Where stories live. Discover now