Diamond of the day - part 1

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The following morning, I quietly walked over to my door and tried to open it, locked. My bedroom was on the top floor, so climbing wasn't an option. I used to have rope in my room, but it was gone, as well as everything else that I could possibly use to escape. When I say everything, I mean everything, even the curtains. Plus, my window was sealed shut. I tried to open the door with magic, but it wasn't working. Merlin must have locked it. I started banging on the door, "Let me out! Someone, please, just let me out!", nobody answered. I was just sitting in my room, while my father and the rest of the kingdom were out, fighting against MY enemy! Sure, she hated my father, but she was frightened of me. She was scared of the magic that I possessed, but if Morgana had come for my father and me, she must have gotten her powers back.

I punched the door, I tried to open it with every spell I knew, nothing worked. Eventually, I slid down the door and felt how tears started streaming down my smooth face. My father was going to die this day, I knew it. I also knew that I had this weird feeling, the feeling that I would soon be al alone, the feeling of sadness and grief.

**Two days later**

I sat, leaning against the door still, nobody had tried to get me out. I was al alone and starving. I was weak because of the lack of water, but I had been worse. I hadn't slept for two nights, whenever I tried, I had fallen back into the nightmare of seeing my father fall. Then, I remembered, it was a great risk but It was a risk that I was willing to take. I closed my eyes and summoned my dark magic, and before I knew it, I stood in a battlefield.

The sound of horse-hoofs and swords clinging together filled my ears. I wanted to help as many as possible, but I knew who I had to save. I saw Morgana standing on the other side of the mountain, ready to attack anyone who got near her.

I shouted her name, "Morgana!", she quickly turned to me and her face instantly fell. I made her fly backwards by using my powers, that must have knocked her out. I looked down at the battlefield to see my father fight against a bunch of men.

Before I even had time to react, they flew backwards, I looked up and met with an old man's eyes. Even though they were old, I knew them. It was, Merlin. He stood on the other side of the mountain. He smiled at me and made the other soldiers fly backwards as well. Before I knew it, Morgana stood up again.

"Emrys!!!!!", she screamed. Merlin pushed Morgana backwards, just like I did, it was a bit funny actually. So it went on, we helped my father and the knights fight their battle by dooing what we did best, magic.

Once the battle had calmed down and there were only a few men left on the field, Emrys dissapeared. I followed him down to the ground. I walked as rappidly as I could towards Emrys, and I was not pleased with what I saw.

My father was being carried away by his best friend, he was unconcious and clearley wounded. Emrys walked through the sea of bodies like they were nothing more than mushrooms in the forest, he tried not to touch them but his eyes were locked forwards. In the sea of bodies I saw my once best friend, Mordred. I ran over to his side to see that he was wearing Morgana's armour, he had abondened us before I could have escaped my chambers. That must have meant that I did not only telleport, I must have travelled in time. It takes ages to get to Camlan from Camelot, there's no way that the ride only could have taken one day.

I stroked his cheek and looked at his pale face as I felt a tear slide down my cheek.

"Mordred, no", I was in mourning of my best friend as his lifeless body laid onto the ground.

His face was as pale as newly fallen snow and his blue eyes stared into the emptyness of the dark sky. I said a silent prayer as I closed his eyes with my bony fingers and laid my head on his chest. I looked up at the sky as I prayed for Mordred's soul.

I placed my hand on Mordreds cheek and stroked it. "I love you, Mordred, but what you did was foolish. You shall never be forgotten", I leant forward and kissed his forhead with precasiouns and care. I felt as my ruby red lips brushed over his forhead and a tear landed right above his eyebrow. I hear him gasp.

"Mordred, speak to me Mordred, what is happening?", he looked into my eyes with so much love, regrett and pain.

"Liv... ", he placed his hand on my cheek and stroke it. "You have given me a final moment with you", I shook my head. "Only God can create such wonders, and I am not him or her", he smiled at me, "then, we must have been lucky".

I smiled at him, "don't leave me, Mordred, please", his eyes became more and more dull as the seconds passed.

"I have to, but first, there's something that I have to do...", he motioned for me to lean closer to him. I did as told and pressed my ear close to his mouth.

"I am sorry, please forgive me... I love you, Liv", I felt shock spread through my veins. "Mordred, I...", I looked down at his eyes to see that they were peacefully shut. I pressed my lips against his hand and kissed it softly. I placed his hands on his chest, but there were footsteps approaching, Morgana's footsteps. I knew that she would take care of him, I mean... his body...

I looked at him one more time before I closed my eyes and thought of Merlin, before I knew it, I was there.

My eyes were filled with tears that clouded my sight, but I could clearley see Gaius's saddened expression as he saw me. Merlin was his normal, young, self and he had his back turned to me. Gaius's eyes were filled with pity, worry and sympathy. A couple of seconds later, Merlin turned around and noticed me standing there. My hands were bloodstained because of Mordred, and so was my dress, but I did not care.

"Where is he?", Merlin's eyes held the same expression as Gaius's, sympathy. Merlin motioned for me to look behind me, I turned around to see my father, fast asleep against a rock.

I rushed over to his side and felt his tempteture, he was burning up... and bleeding. I looked down at the wound, I tried to heal it but it would not work, something was stuck inside it. I felt as Merlin knelt down next to me, my tears were once again building up.

"Is there nothing we can do?", I turned to Gaius who stood were I had last seen him.
His hands were covvered by the sleeves of his tunic and his buckled back was more vissible than I had noticed before. He had a serious expression written on his face, he looked like a statue of a well known musician or philosoph.

"There is one place, the lake of Avalon. Only there can your father be saved", I was going to save my father, no mattter what.

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