27|| You're Not Falling Again

Start from the beginning

And I had to admit, his reply made my heart flutter just a little bit.

Course not. You have my heart, babe, and I don't plan on getting it back anytime soon.

A few texts, a finished piece of toast and a good luck from Ryder later, I was, as usual, all set fifteen minutes early. My siblings came down not long before that, again, as usual, and I spent my time scrolling through social media as they got themselves ready for the day ahead.

I was going to be okay.

My day seemed pretty much like any other once I got to school, the same time, the same people I came with, everything was how it was supposed to be. Except one thing. Luke.

He wasn't beside me like he always was, his fingers laced with mine. My smile faltered at the thought of it, seeing Luke talking animatedly to a friend in the not-so-far distance. He hadn't seen me.

Until that time, I didn't know how big Luke's role in my life was already, and I knew that wasn't good at all.

Not many high school relationships end up so well, and as much as Luke and I loved each other, there was still a chance we wouldn't end up not being together in the end.

He was one of the very few people that could manage to put a smile on my face even if I wasn't in the best of moods and one of the people that wouldn't hesitate to help me because he just knew I needed someone, like Ryder when he saw I was already starting to regret the dare and whispered, "It's just the day. He'll be back before you know it."

I nodded gratefully at him and locked eyes with Luke's that held longing, which not all may have seen, for a second. I knew that mine were probably the same.

I honestly couldn't imagine how different my life would be without him in it anymore, all I had to say was that it would suck for sure, like a part of me was gone.

He kept me sane. No one can do that for long.

My only plan for the day was to do anything and everything to keep me from crossing paths with Luke, but unfortunately for me, he and I had a heck ton of classes together.

I hated to admit, but anyone that knew me could see the jealousy radiating off me every single time I saw a girl getting a little too close to my boyfriend as I talked to Sophie all the way across the room from him. Tough luck.

"Hey, tell me, are the rumors true? Everyone's been talking about it. Trust me, I really didn't want to believe it was true until I heard it from you. Did you and Luke really end everything after the party?" she asked.

I knew it was going to appear in our conversation sooner or later. I never liked to lie, especially to my best friend, but I nodded anyway. I was such a bad person, but I just had to remind myself that it was for the dare.

"Actually? Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry. Why didn't you say sooner? What happened? I heard some people saying he likes someone else? But that's not the point here, are you okay?" my best friend worried. She looked like she was going to cry, actually. "I honestly thought you two were gonna last, you know? Okay, tell me everything, and I can help you with whatever you need."

"First of all, that wasn't the reason we broke up. It all happened so fast, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you. New Year's day itself, we had a talk. We both agreed things weren't going so well between us, petty fights that just end up hurting us because we won't just listen to each other. That's the only reason," I told her the break up story Luke and I made up.

Contradicting to what I just told Sophie, any petty fight between Luke and I always ended well, and we just ended up laughing about how stupid it was. Actually, we never really fought, and I appreciated that he wouldn't scream back at me whenever I got mad about some small thing we didn't have to fight over.

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