Horrible sobbing drifted to (Y/n)'s ears, effectively draining the Sheikah girl of all her energy.

What did I ever do to deserve this fate?

A simple inquiry, but the only real answer she received was more annoying crying, and a heavy lump clinging onto (Y/n)'s back.

Lifting off the ground was a struggle, endured by the girl who just wanted peace. Removing the small, clingy figure, (Y/n) dangled the child in front of her with her hands placed underneath the, now identified, girl's small arms. Stretching out her arms to their full length to observe the child better, (Y/n) couldn't keep the frown from off her lips.

"That's some greeting," (Y/n) started. The Gerudo child sniffled, bringing her tears to an end. "But I'm not interested in whatever. . . problems you have. So run along and go disturb someone else." (Y/n) finished, lowering the child to the shifty ground.

Puffy jade eyes squinted against the harsh sun at (Y/n), the shyness within them radiating. The child's prominent, short red hair was pulled back and braided, slightly disheveled from her running. "Don't leave me," quietly pleaded the Gerudo girl, "there's bad men chasing me."

"Yeah, sure, Little Red."

I really don't have time for this. . . but what kind of horrible person would I be to leave a defenseless child to wander the harsh desert alone?

The child's bright, green eyes widened, terribly frightened and on the verge of releasing more tears. "I'm serious!"

"Nice to meet you, serious, I'm (Y/n)," said girl deadpanned, turning around to search for Gerudo Town.

I couldn't have wandered very far, but why can I not see civilization? The air feels off. Is this an effect from the heat? No. . . wait. . . I recognize this. The girl definitely wasn't lying.

Offended greatly, the bewildered child latched onto one of (Y/n)'s legs, obstructing the older girl from leaving. "No, you can't go! If you do the scary ninja people will come back."

Of course it's them, the thought ran through (Y/n)'s head, but what do they want with this Gerudo child?

"There's nothing else I can do other than escort you back to Gerudo Town." (Y/n) relented, brushing the child off her leg.

I'm going there anyway, so it doesn't bother me much.

"Which way did you come from?"

The child contemplated for a few seconds, eyes swiveling around the barren area, nothing but sand dunes whichever way one were to look.

"I don't know," she eventually said, timidly tucking her hands behind her back and scuffing a foot through the sand.

(Y/n) resisted the urge to sigh. "We can't stay here all day or we'll fry to a crisp."

I know there's no use. I can sense the presence of many. They'll confront us when we're weak and useless. Thoughts were bouncing around in (Y/n)'s mind, analytically concluding on one choice.

"Let's get a move on. Hopefully civilization isn't too far off or else the both of us are dead meat."

"D-d-dead me-meat?!"

(Y/N) didn't answer, nor did she elaborate. Instead, she heightened her senses, focusing on any life that was compacted in one area. When she found absolutely no trace of anything, her body tensed.

Oh, so this is how they're going to play? Fine. (Y/N) felt the cruel smirk crawl onto her lips. I'm all for a bit of hide-and-seek.

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