Chapter 6

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Harry was signing off on a new Auror recruit when Susan's face appeared once again.

"Who is it?" he asked almost absently.

"It's - it's Professor Snape," she gulped. She looked like it was horrible news.

"Very well." Susan disappeared, and Harry summoned Xiere Valonise and Gawain Robards. 

"You are to go to the Shrieking Shack and take into custody Severus Snape." His voice was curt, and they knew that they were being dismissed.

They Flooed to Hunters' Lodge, a relatively new place for drinks closer to the Shrieking Shack than the other shops in Hogsmeade. Valonise and Robards were experienced Aurors from the time of the late Potters, and the information found after the war made this a difficult case.

The Dark Mark was shown to be given only to those who could convince Voldemort of their loyalty. It was a binding spell that relied solely on devotion to a cause. However, they had also found out that the cause did not necessarily have to be serving Voldemort. Also, they found that those who truly wanted to follow and serve Voldemort were identified by the Mark itself, which then tampered with their magical signature. Hence, it was impossible to track them.

The simple fact that Snape had indeed been tracked by the Ministry, made it clear that he had never been loyal to Voldemort. Harry's testimony after the war had even earned him an Order of Merlin, Gold Class. Now, however, any lingering suspicions would easily be dissolved.

They found the man groaning in pain as he struggled to stand up. Valonise helped him up, and gave him the antidote Harry had made them carry. An antidote strong enough to counter any snake venom, and the creation that had earned Hermione everlasting fame as a potioneer. Snape grumbled a thank you, before registering exactly who was standing before him.

"We are here to take you for questioning," Robards said stoically. 

"Very well." He had no reason to refuse, and he was sure that they would use Veritaserum, considering that he was a former Death Eater.

Liam nearly fainted when the two Aurors entered, and shot to inform Harry of the arrival. Not even minutes after he exited the office, looking ashen, did the Aurors escort Snape inside.

Robards administered the Veritaserum and they both stepped back, eyes full of apprehension.

"Full name?"

"Severus Tobias Snape."

"Living relatives?"

"Kay Prince."



"Living or dead?"

"Once dead, now living."

"What is the last thing you remember from your life in this world?"

"Giving Harry Potter my memories."

"Very well."

"What happened in the war?" Snape asked, ignoring the two Aurors.

"Voldemort was defeated. Do you want to meet with Minerva? She's the current Headmistress." Harry honestly didn't think it would be a good idea to have Snape as a house guest.

"That should do." Snape found it hard to believe that anyone would make life easy for him.

"I'll send her a Patronus. Robards and Valonise will show you to the Minister's office, you can Floo to Hogwarts from there." It was tough, not revealing who he was to his former teacher.

"Mind if I ask exactly who you are?" Snape asked curiously. Harry inwardly groaned in defeat.

"Harry Potter, happy?"

"Very. You haven't done as badly as I'd thought you would," Snape said, rather softly.

"Why, thank you Professor. We can catch up later, before Kingsley sets the place on fire, you should probably get to Hogwarts," Harry said, a little taken aback by his attitude.

"Very well." Snape almost looked resigned. 

Harry slumped back in his chair. He knew that his testimony sixteen years ago, had freed both Sirius and Snape, since it was the first time anyone had asked him to recount ALL his years at Hogwarts, along with what happened in between. Everything he said was under the effect of Veritaserum, though he left out the part about how Sirius had escaped from Azkaban. That would mean admitting that his godfather could be thrown back in for being an illegal Animagus.

Kingsley was more than efficient as a Minister. He had every last staff working their socks off, and discreetly registered both James Potter and Sirius Black as Animagi while everyone was going crazy with trying to finish up reports about the Returners that needed to be submitted.

In any case, Harry sent the Patronus, frowning as it landed on his desk as a stag, then changed to a dragon and flew out. What on earth was that supposed to mean? He didn't have time to dwell on that. Knowing that Kingsley would come haring down to his office in a few minutes, he quickly fished out some parchment and dashed off a note to home.

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Ginny effectively snatched up the note, and began to read aloud.

'Don't murder me. Snape is back. I sent him to Hogwarts - no way in hell is he going to survive with all of the kids around - and yeah, I might need another Firewhiskey. Tell Albus to stop trying to get the block off the Floo too, it's not going to work. Sorry, Albus. - Harry.'

"ALBUS!" Ginny shouted, and one guilty flaxen head popped out of the fireplace. "Good, now where is your brother?"

"He went out with Fr-Fran and Roxanne." Albus shrugged and made for the door as well.

"You're going out?" Hermione asked, surprised. He preferred the indoors, mostly.

"No one else is in," he stated. 

The adults realized that it was true. None of the children seemed to be inside, and considering the talent all of them shared for getting in trouble, that was ominous. As one, they all ran for the door. The scene that met them, however, wasn't nearly as bad as they had made it out to be.

Lily was cuddled up to a large, beautiful black-gray wolf, and they were both asleep. Rose was also leaning against the said animal, reading a book. Vanessa and Victoire were playing Exploding Snap and Hugo was helping. Fred, Roxanne and James had Feather Kites out, and the entire lawn was covered in feathers as the trio tried to catch the zooming paper rockets.

Albus went and joined Hugo, and minus the ruckus from the three pranksters, all was tranquil.

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