Chapter 2

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Harry went down to the Department of Magical Signatures. They had been notified by Kingsley, and had cast an extensive charm over all the areas of the wizarding world. The spell would fire a red signal if a previously missing magical signature came back into presence, giving its location. Susan Bones, the Head of the Department, was in charge of locating the magical signature and reporting the location to the Aurors. Harry had his best Aurors divided into fifteen pairs. Voldemort's followers had different signatures after being branded with the Dark Mark, so Susan and her team wouldn't be able to track them. All fifteen pairs were supplied with brooms and Veritaserum.

He glanced down at his list, checking the pairs.

1. Ron Weasley and Percy Weasley
2. Padma Patil and Parvati Patil
3. Hannah Abbott and Justin Finch-Fletchley
4. Ernie Macmillan and Jacob Robson
5. Xiere Valonise and Gawain Robards
6. Raine Dawlish and François Lesserman
7. Evangeline Macmillan and Odo Proudfoot
8. Kia Savage and Rubidia Leslie
9. Jason Maine and Helena Saffle
10. Hope McKellen and Kimberly McKellen
11. Dona McKinnon and Esma Ryanair
12. Yvonne Yapton and Curtis Debra
13. Deborah Debra and Miguel Sedlescombe
14. Jigana Dinda and Sarah Seuk
15. Mynach Warren and Diri Gayo

Harry had decided against going out himself. He was more interested in using Veritaserum on them. The Aurors had only been supplied with enough to get two or three answers, nothing like a proper interrogation.

Kingsley was waiting for Harry's results with the Veritaserum. It was entirely set up. All they had to do was wait for the 'dead' people to come to life again.

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The first magical signature they picked up on was in the graveyard close to St. Mungo's. Susan immediately fire-called Harry, her face pale even in the green fire.

"St. Mungo's Graveyard, we have two magic signatures that have been registered as quickly changing due to mental instability. Harry," she said softly, her eyes wet. "It reads as Frank Longbottom and his wife, Alicia Longbottom née Abbott."

Harry nodded. "I'll send two pairs of Aurors at once." Susan's face disappeared from the fireplace.

"Auror Debra Jr and Auror Sedlescombe, you are to bring into custody who we suspect as Frank Longbottom. Auror Debra Sr and Auror Yapton will be accompanying you for custody of Alicia Longbottom."

The four Aurors nodded grimly, and took the Floo to St. Mungo's. Harry sighed as he leaned back in his chair. Even after so long, he couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have his parents. Or Sirius. He had never told his children much about his childhood. And he wanted it to stay that way. He wanted them to have the kind of childhood he had never gotten.

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The four Aurors entered the Graveyard with their wands drawn. It didn't take them long to spot the couple, who were looking around them, bewildered.

"Excuse me, but if you could tell us who you are?" Deborah said, stepping forth.

"Frank and Alice Longbottom," Frank replied. "Last thing I remember is being told I'm being sent back."

"Just to verify a few things, we need you to come to the Ministry with us. We'll clear any doubts you may have afterwards," Curtis added calmly.

"Very well." Frank and Alice handed over their wands.

In complete silence, the Aurors Flooed back to the Ministry, and took the Longbottoms to Harry's office. Harry had been warned by Liam, his secretary, about their arrival, so he quickly left the main room of the office. It was all part of the plan.

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