Chapter 3

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Harry had barely received Kingsley's notification that the Longbottoms had safely reached Enfergl Cottage, when Susan's face appeared in his fear once again.

"Harry," she said, looking pained. "It's not a magical signature but it has bonded with a witch. Hence the reading. It's near Mage Cottage. Reading: Ted Tonks."

"Thanks, Susan." She nodded and disappeared.

"Auror Maine and Auror Saffle, please go and check it out. He is known to be a Muggle," Harry cautioned.

The two Aurors flew, as Mage Cottage was no longer connected to the Ministry via Floo. As they flew over the now overgrown garden, they found a figure struggling to get up, and evidently badly injured.

"Sir, do you need some help?" Helena flew down first, closely by Jason. They had found Ted Tonks.

He was bleeding severely, and Helena quickly cast a mild wound closing spell, along with Episky.

"Are you alright?" She asked, genuinely concerned.

"I've been better." Ted groaned. She had done a good job. Most of his wounds were completely stoppered.

"Mr. Tonks, we'll need to take you to the Ministry for a test to see if you're really who you say you are." Jason informed. "Have you ever flown before?"

"Once?" Ted grimaced. "When my daughter was learning to fly, she dragged me along on one round."

"Very well," Helena smiled. "We'll stay steady."

They were back at the Ministry in what seemed like no time at all to the two Aurors. Liam quickly notified Harry about the arrival, and he mentally braced himself. This was going to be more difficult than the Longbottoms - Ted was still just a teenager, and this was his real family. He had a feeling that Andromeda would want to take custody of him, now her husband was back.

Helena administered the Veritaserum, and then stepped back to Jason's side.

"Full name?"

"Thaddeus Tonks."

"Marital Status?"



"Andromeda Tonks nee Black."


"Nymphadora Tonks." 

"Living or dead?"
"Once dead, now living."

"What is the last thing you remember of your life in this world?"

"A Curse being shot by a Snatcher in the wilderness."

"Very well."

Jason administered the antidote, and instantly, Ted was alert.

"Who are you?" He couldn't help but think this was a really smart person he was dealing with right now; there was no way he could identify the person, even by his voice.

"It's Harry. Andromeda is still alive, and Kingsley will let you use his Floo."

"Thank  you." Breathing a little easier, Ted followed the two Aurors out of the room.

*Page Break*

Kingsley managed to contain his surprise this time. That still wasn't enough to prevent his grin. 

"Mage Cottage is no longer connected to the Ministry by Floo," he said conversationally. "With that in mind, Auror Saffle, could you be so kind as to ask Andromeda to Floo to Black Manor? What with the threat of Death Eaters resurrected, we need everyone to be safe. I'm sure that Potter, bastard that he can be, would have informed the others by then, so you can Floo there."

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