Chapter 1

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"Really, Potter, you're the exception to the rule of living a normal life where everything is hunky dory," Kingsley chuckled as Harry shot him a murderous glare at the friendly jibe.

"Can you explain what all this crap is?" Harry asked, irritated.

"Well, I'm only going to say it once. Also, for future reference, pay more attention in History of Magic classes." Kingsley gestured to the chair across from him, and Harry sank into it, scowling. 

"Before I start on the part that sounds like a bedtime story, I'll let you know this. Dead people happen to just - well, their souls, that is - go from this universe to another. It's called the Universe of the Dead - I know, witty - by everyone. Traditionally called Shishanouchu. Anyway, that's the part you need to get out of the way, then comes the bedtime story. Once, every ten thousand years, this universe, the one we're living in, comes into something like a planetary alignation with the Universe of the Dead. This results in a surge of magic, that transfers thirty people from the universe of the dead, back to this universe. I'll warn you, though, magic has her own crazy sense of justice. Out of the thirty, fifteen will be from Light, and fifteen from Dark. They will be sent with regard to how much they can relate to the era, and what they've done to deserve being sent back - don't ask me how! Well, it so happens that the next alignation is due within this week. And you better be prepared for fifteen old Aurors and people like that, and fifteen Dark wizards, probably Death Eaters with the kind of luck we have."


"Send a Patronus, explain it to your hotheaded wife," Kingsley grinned. Ah, the joys of being a bachelor, he thought amusedly, watching the young thirty-three year old glare at him.

"Whatever!" Harry snapped. He was the Head Auror, he told himself sternly, he could handle whatever magic had to throw at him. Scowling at a young newbie, he returned to his office.

It was clean, since he had luckily picked up on some of Hermione's habits, and he looked at the pending paperwork to be done. It was going to have to wait. If they were about to welcome back people from the past, he didn't have time to be sitting around signing off paperwork. The first thing he had to do, was tell Hermione that he needed a cauldron full of Veritaserum. Then, he needed to review the number of Aurors who were available for the next couple of months. Not to mention, those who were on-call and those whom he could rely on, without the certification. Well, first off, he had to ensure that their families were safe - he didn't want anyone dying now.

He cast five Patroni; one to Shell Cottage - where Bill and Fleur lived with their daughters Vanessa and Victoire; one to the Burrow - where Charlie lived with his parents; one to Seashell Manor - where Ron and Hermione lived with Hugo and Rose; one to Whiskerat - where George and Angelina lived with Fred and Roxanne; and the last one to Black Manor, where currently, Ginny would be dealing with his three troublemakers - James, Albus and Lily. 

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Hermione was having a good day. She had come home from Hogwarts, where she was now the Charms Professor, since Flitwick retired, only two days ago. Hugo was playing Exploding Snap by himself, and Rose was reading a simplified book of potions for children.

A large, beautiful silver stag gamboled in through the window, and she set down her coffee. What on earth did Harry want at the beginning of summer? She waited, and the stag spoke.

"A rare phenomenal occurrence will be bringing back thirty dead people within the week. For safety measures, please take Hugo and Rose and go to Black Manor. I've informed Ginny of this as well. Please move as soon as possible. Also, for when the resurrected - for lack of a better term - appear, I will need a large stash of Veritaserum. Assuming that you will be mostly free during the summer, could you please mail it to me as soon as you can? Also, out of the thirty, fifteen will be Death Eaters. I may not be home anytime soon. Owl me if something comes up."

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