I limped to the house and every time Luca had tried to help me I pushed him off of me. I was fuming. Did he want me fired? Did he want me to leave? What was his problem? He said himself he had heard everything. She probably should have screamed it into his ear. I opened the front door and walked up the stairs holding onto the railings for support. I dragged myself to my room before sitting down on my bed. I turned around and grabbed my pillow putting it in my Lap. I lowered my head until it was completely squished in my pillow and screamed. Mostly cause of the pain soaring through my leg and slightly because a part of me wanted to kiss him but the other part told me not to. I snuggled into my Doona and closed my eyes.

Last night had been long. My leg was hurting so bad I couldn't sleep but I couldn't get up to get pain killers because Cynthia would get suspicious. Now my leg was swollen, bruised and hurt like hell. I had wanted to wear a skirt but I had to cover up because it looked disgusting.

I put on my suit pants and a plain black tank top. I wore a creamy cardigan and put my hair in a bun. It took me twice as long as it normally did to get down the stairs. When I was finally down I grabbed my car keys hanging from the hooks. I opened the door slowly and walked towards my car fast. "Where you off to?" Luca asked suddenly and I turned around acting casual. "Uh a friends" I answered calmly and smiled at him and Anthony. "You don't have friends" he replied and I scowled. "Fuck you" I retorted sticking him the finger. I got into my car and started it. I listened to it roar to life then backed out of the driveway not caring that Luca was leaning against it. I headed towards the local doctor with a deep scowl on my face. That was a low blow. I pulled up into the parking lot and got out making sure not to hit my leg on anything. I walked into the doors and took a seat after booking in. I read a few magazines until my name was called. I stood up and limped to the doctors room. "So your leg I'm guessing" the very handsome doctor said with a dazzling smile. I nodded and he motioned for me to sit on the bed. "I've been in here less than a minute and you've already got me in bed, impressive" I mocked causing the doctor to laugh heartily. I glanced at his name tag. Cameron. I moved back and pulled my pants up so Cameron could examine me. My leg. Not me. My leg. Although I wouldn't mind if he examined me. He is cute and a doctor. Score. "Any questions?" Cameron asked and I frowned. "Huh?" I questioned and he chuckled. "I need to clean this up, it'll take a while is that okay?" He repeated his question and I nodded. "Do your thing."

After Cameron had so graciously wiped the cut clean and bandaged it, I thanked him and had to leave. Sadly. "So um.." I started and Cameron looked at me. "Yes?" He said and I almost screamed "kiss me!" I sat down again and groaned. "It still hurts" I lied and Cameron walked towards me. "C'mon" he grunted as he lifted me up. He was muscular. I like. He sat me down in the patient chair before sitting back in his doctor chair. "Would you like a prescription Carmela?" Cameron asked and I giggled flirtatiously. Only if your name is written on that prescription paper. "Sure doctor" I answered instead and Cameron typed away on his laptop. Once my prescription was printed he handed it to me and walked me to the door. I sat in the car and buckled my seatbelt. I grabbed my handbag and stuffed my prescription into it. There was writing on the back. I pulled it out again and turned it around. It had a number. And under it a name. 'Cameron Taylor.' I smiled before putting it back into my bag. That was fun.

Once I got back home I was confronted by Jonah. "Why are you smiling?" He asked me and I groaned. "Seriously? You're asking me why I'm smiling?" I said exasperated by the lack of intelligence in this house. "I just want to know what's gotten my girl so happy that's it" he said with a deep frown on his face. "Sorry Jonah, don't frown you'll get wrinkles" I said trying to make him feel better. "It's okay" he said leaning in for a hug. I hugged him tight before I parted ways with him. I went upstairs and changed into shorts and a tee before coming back down. I sat in the living room with 'the lord of the rings: fellowship of the ring' on the screen. I was up to the part where Boromir died and aragorn had kissed his forehead. A tear slipped out and rolled down my cheek. "Oh c'mon are you still obsessed with this crap?" I heard Anthony say behind me and I rolled my eyes. I paused the movie and turned to the idiot. "Go away, you watch crappier shit" I defended my Favourite movie ever and he chuckled before coming to sit next to me. "You always cry at this part" he mentioned and I sniffled. "Yeah well it's so hard not to I mean look" I motioned to the tv and he wiped a tear off my face. I laughed at his gesture and moved away. "Eww cooties" I whined before smirking at his face. "Loser" "poohead" "nose picker" "dog licker" "dog licker?" I questioned and he smiled. "Dog licker" he repeated and I cracked up. "You're so shit at insults" I teased and he opened his mouth so wide to make it look as if he's shocked. "I am not!" He bellowed. "I am awesome at insults just like you're awesome at cleaning" he retorted and I fake gagged. He chuckled before leaning back. I leant back too and we just sat there. Anthony raised his head slowly and looked at me. I smiled at him but I knew this was gonna go wrong any second. I just hoped he wouldn't try anything. But this WAS Anthony and not even Lily knows him as well as I do. He leaned in and kissed me. I froze but when I felt the familiar lips move with mine, I kissed him back. He pulled me down onto the couch and hovered his body on top of mine. We moved together, our bodies, our tongues. I was completely out of it. Until Of course a cleared throat was heard. At first we just kept going until I opened my eyes and for a split second I remembered this guy had broke my heart. We weren't together anymore AND he was engaged. I pushed him off of me and he stumbled back. I sat up and looked towards the door expecting to see Cynthia or Jonah or even Nate. Instead there was Luca. He looked astounded.

I stood up and fixed my shirt and hair. I turned away from the boys and just held my breath. "Bro, you're engaged" Luca reminded Anthony and I gulped. I'm such a whore. Now Lily's gonna hate me more than she already does. "You can't tell her, please" Anthony begged and I turned around shocked. "I won't" Luca assured him and my jaw dropped open. "What?!" I half yelled. They both turned to me. "You have to tell her, you'd be a bad fiancé if you didn't" I explained and they both continued to watch me. "Come on! You can't be serious! You have to tell her, I could if you'd like but you're telling her" I said even louder this time and I added a little arm throw. "Sorry" Anthony apologized shaking his head. "So what you're just gonna lie to her? Wow that makes me wonder! Did you ever kiss a girl when we were together then just not tell me?" I asked horrified at the thought. "No I swear" he answered and I scoffed. "Hard to believe, don't come near me again this should never have happened, I regret it" I verified before pushing past Luca and stomping upstairs. Guys are such idiots! And they're disgusting! I'm disgusting.

It's been a week since the realization hit me that guys are a no go zone. I had avoided Luca and Anthony all week. Ignoring Luca's calls and messages. Anthony's pleas for forgiveness. I felt it was rude but they deserved it. I was helping Ella Rose cook dinner when a loud ruckus was heard. I poked my head into the hallway and watched as around 6 men walked into the house and into the living room. I groaned before turning to Ella. "A professional chef must not groan, we must always be prepared for whatever is thrown at us. Now go see if Luca's friends eat dinner with us" she ordered very wisely. I nodded before walking into the living room. "Hello everyone, welcome to my home. I would just like to know if you'd all be joining us for dinner" I spoke as sweetly as I could. I still hadn't looked at Luca or Anthony instead I kept my eyes on the guests. Which I wish I hadn't. Cameron was among them. He was leaning back against the couch and smirking at me. I gulped and suddenly was very nervous. He was wearing jeans and a loose tee. I've only seen him in a work suit before and he looked good now he looked amazing. I turned to the others and watched as they nodded at each other. "Yeah okay" one of them answered and I nodded. "Great" I said smiling. "We'd love to" Cameron added and even though I hadn't eaten anything today I felt like vomiting. I accidentally made eye contact with Luca and he turned his head to the side as if questioning me. I shook my head before turning around. He saw right through me.

Once dinner for 14 was served everyone sat down at the big dining table in the kitchen. Lily had joined us and I felt guilty every time I looked at her. I tried to avoid her as much as possible. All the men were chattering amongst themselves. Cynthia was intrigued with whatever Anthony was speaking to her about. Jonah and Nate were speaking to one man who was supposedly a former footballer. I was quiet. Pushing the food on my plate around with my fork. I put a spoonful of mashed potato in my mouth and chewed before swallowing. I felt a kick on my leg and I winced. I looked up and Cameron was mouthing 'sorry' and 'I forgot.' I scowled at him but stopped when he motioned his head towards the door. I looked around at all the chattering people and widened my eyes. Cameron stood up and left the room and no one even noticed. I got up as well after a few moments and followed him. When I turned the corner Cameron was waiting by the front door. I walked towards him and we both walked out Into the chilly air. "So.. Small world" I said before sitting down. "Yeah obviously" Cameron replied and I faced him. "How do you know Luca?" I asked because I was just too curious. "College buddies" he answered and I nodded. "Ooh." "How do you know Luca and how come you live together?" Cameron asked. I shrugged my shoulders. I didn't really want to say I worked here so I lied. "We're related" I replied without much explanation. He nodded. We sat in the silence. It wasn't an awkward silence though. A couple of minutes later the front door opened and Luca came out. "They're bringing out dessert" he simply stated. He didn't even give us a chance to reply before turning back and shutting the door. I stood up and held my hand out. "Aren't I supposed to do that?" Cameron wondered but nonetheless took my hand. We walked in together and joined them in the living room for chocolate mousse and cake. Luca had his gaze on me the whole time though and I felt uncomfortable. I looked at him and I noticed he looked agitated. Ha! In your face.

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