Chapter 4.

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I wake up in my bunk. Covered in sweat. I'm out of breath. I get up and go to the bathroom. 'Went Out To Eat, Didn't Want To Wake You' says on the mirror written with lipstick.

I recognized Yasmin's handwriting. It was one of the many things that was beautiful about her. I rinse my face with water and dry it off with a rag on the counter. Lately, I've been having the same dream.

It's been a month since we've been on tour and tonight is our last show. Houston. The home town of Yasmin. Luckily, I can stay at her place for a few weeks before the guys and I leave to go on tour in South America.

Unfortunately, due to her job, Yasmin won't be tagging along on the next tour. She will be doing photography for The Story So Far, who will be touring in North America the same time we'll be down south.

Although it's been seven months since I've been dating Yasmin, I still feel as if she's losing interest in me. I've yet to tell her how I feel. I don't want to lose her.

I take my shirt off and throw it in our hamper that we keep under the sink. When I get out the bathroom, I hear quiet footsteps. I chose to ignore them though. They're probably my own, I'm just tired I guess.

I climb back into my bunk and the front door opens, the person who came in goes straight to the back lounge and is followed by another.

Suddenly, I hear Mike yelling in the back lounge. Almost at the top of his lungs of course. I wonder who he's yelling at. "Why? Why would you do that?" He yells. There isn't an answer.

Maybe he's talking to himself.

"I told you! I told you, Jessica!" He yells again. Jessica is his sister. Who unfortunately came along on tour with us. No one really likes her, except for Jaime of course. That boy doesn't hate anyone.

Yasmin and Jessica had a little mishap about three days ago while we were in a club. They were both drunk and Jessica started cussing at Yasmin. Instead of being calm like she normally would be, she threw her drink in her face and jumped on her.

They got us kicked out of the club. The same club we had just performed in. They haven't spoken since. "Jessica I told you that I didn't have money on my card! I fucking told you that I was broke! Now I don't have money for my plane ticket to Brazil! You expect the guys to pay for me?!" He screams.

"Are you listening to me?!" Mike adds.

"I didn't mean to.." Jessica's voice cracks. Something that she's learned is making others feel bad. Shoulders slugging down, head slouched down, and quiet voiced, she knew it all. Before everything happen with her and Yasmin, she taught her that.

"You didn't mean to use my card AFTER I told you that I didn't have anymore money in it?!? You know they charge me when you use it and it's negative right?! What the hell is your problem?!" I hear something fall and the back lounge door opens.

"Whenever we get home tomorrow you need to pack your things and get the hell out of my house. You're just a fucking low life. I never want you asking me for money, food, or a home again! You just use everyone! You screw everyone over!" He screams.

"I fucking hate you, Mike! You're pushing your own sister out of your house?!" She yells at him.

"You went to mom for help when you first got to California. Two damn months later you took everything from her and dad. Everything! And then they kicked you out. THEN you went to Vic and you victimized yourself when it was all your fault! Not even two weeks later, you fought Danielle in her own home! AND AFTER ALL THAT YOU CAME TO MY HOUSE AND BEGGED ME ON YOUR DAMN KNEES TO LET YOU LIVE WITH ME AND EILEEN. I let you live with us and you did this!? And now you have the audacity to say I'm pushing you out my house?! It's my house Jessica. MINE. NOT YOURS. YOU ARE SO DAMN LUCKY IM NOT LEAVING YOU HERE IN HOUSTON." He screams. I feel his voice in my lungs.. that's how loud he is I guess.

"Yasmin will let me stay with her and tony!" She screams. "That is the last thing she'll ever do for you. And even if she did, I wouldn't let her or Tony." He mutters.

"I do not need you ruining their relationship! Ever! You did it to Jaime and he forgave you. Jaime! A person who holds a grudge over anything! Forgave you! Now imagine how much tony would hate you and possibly even hate ME if you did anything to hurt them." Mike screams.

"Get out of my face. Get the fuck out. Before you wake up Tony." I feel Mike's voice get closer. The front door opens and I'm met by silence. They're probably gone.

I open my curtain and see Mike sitting on the couch beside the door. "Mike? You okay?" I ask. "Jessica. Fucking Jessica. She wasted all my money. Now I don't have money for South America. Probably not even rent. Eileen just left work for maternity leave. So there's no money coming in at all." His head rests in his hands.

"I don't think I can go on tour with you guys. I can't pay for my hotel or tickets. Nothing." He cries. I sit down next to him and pat his back.

"I'll pay for it." I whisper.

"What? No. I don't need you to waste your own money. I don't need more debt." He whispers back to me. I shake my head and straighten my self up. "I'm going to pay for it Mike. I'm not going to let money get in the way." I reply.

His head perks up and he smiles with tears in his eyes. "And anything you need for Angela and the baby. I'm here. Always." I smile.

"Thank you. Thank you so much." He hugs me and he sobs into my arms.

The only problem was Mike's pride. He didn't like borrowing money or things of that nature.

"This has to stay in between us." Mike looks into my eyes. I see his genuine guilt.


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