Chapter 1.

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Today was the day. My first concert, my first warped tour, my first everything. I've been anxiously waiting for this day since sixth grade. I just got out of twelfth and when you live in a household like mine, it's hard to get your way.

I grab my Real Friends drawstring bag and take it downstairs with me. Where my younger brother lays on the couch sleeping. Knowing him, he probably stayed up late last night. I've yet to ask what he does that late. And honestly, I don't really wanna to figure it out.

I walk into the only bathroom with a mirror and begin to do my makeup. I've been told millions of times that it's pointless and idiotic to wear makeup in the warped tour heat, but I'm meeting Mayday Parade, so I have to be cute. I probably have a chance with one of them. I smile at the thought of waking up next to one of them. 

My ex best friend got pulled up on stage last time they were here in Dallas and it was all she talked about for a few months. Derek this, Derek that. It was irritating. I mean i loved her to death, but she knew how much they meant to me. "Mom!" I yell from downstairs.

She doesn't answer. I put on my light eyeliner and mascara. And no, not the emo eyeliner. The normal person eyeliner. In ninth grade, I went through this 'oh no one likes me' phase and dressed in black, did all black makeup, and unfortunately I used to starve and cut myself.

Now, I'm not too proud of it. Nor should I be. I used to be an absolute fangirl, I still am, but not as severe as I was. I still read fan fiction and have posters all over my wall and wear band shirts at home, but I wear normal clothes and try to be cute and normal.

Sometimes I fail, but every once in a while, I don't.  Those days are truly the best. When I finally get to feel pretty and be nice. Once I finish my makeup, I tie my hair back in a really tight messy bun. "Mom!" I yell.

Before I glance up at the clock, I see my mom in her robe that she wears every morning before work. "I'm. Awake. Stop yelling." She says quietly. Taking a sip from her mug.

"Can we go now? I'm going to be late." I trail off. She makes a face of disgust and she laughs. "That's Owen's coffee." She gags.

"Mom lets go!! I need to get there early so I can meet mayday parade!!" I beg. She scoffs and puts down her mug. We go out the front door and the sun has yet to come up from the horizon. "I do not understand why we're leaving almost three hours early."

"Because first one hundred people get to meet Mayday Parade at the journeys tent." I say as I get into the car. She raises her eyebrows.


"Yeah. After almost five years of being a fan I'm finally meeting them." I smile. My mom turns on the car and we leave the house.

"I thought you've liked since sixth grade?" My mom asks. I shake my head. "I got into them in the beginning of eighth grade. I got into this kind of music in general in sixth grade." I correct her. She nods.

After almost a forty minute drive from my house to the venue, my mom parks the car in on the sidewalk. "Okay babe. I'll see you later." She trails off.

"Have fun and don't talk to weird people. Don't buy tickets out here in the parking lot and do not let anyone borrow your phone. Text me every hour and call me every four hours." She says before I close the door.

"Okay mom. Thank you so much." I smile before closing the door and going to the line. I get there, and there's only one person in the line. "Hi." I smile. He waves and looks back to his phone.


"How long you been here?" I ask. He locks his phone and looks at me.

"Maybe about an hour. We beat the busses." He smiles at me. "We?" I ask.

He nods. "Yeah," he yawns. "Me and you. The busses should be here in a little bit." He nods again. I raise my eyebrow and he extends his hand towards me.

"Hi I'm Alex." He smiles, "What's your name?" He asks. His eyes lock on mine and I freeze for a split second. "Uh-um Yasmin." I stutter.

He squints his eyes at me and smiles.

"Wait a second.. you're Yasmin.ect?? On instagram??" He asks. I smile and nod, because I've never been recognized outside of my phone. "Yeah," I giggle. "You follow me?" I ask.

"I have your post notifications on and everything dude!! I'm always your first like and comments." He smiles. I think back for a second and smile in realization.

"You're asdfghpreciado??" I ask. He giggles and nods. "Oh my god it's so nice to meet you!!" I smile. He unlocks his phone and sets in up in a way to take a picture.

"Can we take a picture?" He asks. I nod and smile. Once he takes it, he posts it.

"Send that to me!" I smile. We exchange numbers and he sends me the pictures.

"Your caption is hot a.f." He says, "Warped tour hasn't even started and it's been the best concert I've gone to so far." He giggles.

I smile. I post the pictures and I caption it.

'Yo fav queens just meet at warped tour👑'

Some busses begin to arrive and soon after the sun comes up, people begin to arrive. The line seems miles long and it seems endless. 

"Here you go." The security guard handed Alex and I a hot pink wrist band. Once we get in, we rush over to the journeys tent.

After a while of waiting for the guys. I hear a voice I'm too familiar with; Jake.

Shit this is real. "They're real." I whisper to myself. Clearly being loud enough for Alex to hear me though.  I see their shadows behind the tent and seconds later..

I'm greeted by the faces who saved my life.

~ hi guys!! This a new book I've been working on and I hope you enjoy it!! These next few chapters there is going to be a lot of new characters being introduced soooo, comment your name if you wanna be featured!! Leave a vote, comment and share? Have a good day babes 💖 ~

How To Love The Unloved // t.pWhere stories live. Discover now