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Y/n was down in the portal room, waiting for the six more hours (they had started up the portal at twelve in the morning, it was currently around lunch time) to go down. When it had, at least, thirty minutes left she would go get Stan to have him down here when it opened, if he wasn't already on his way down. So, now all she had to do was wait.

Stan was outside with the twins, having fun outside in the sun. Dipper and Mabel were having a water balloon while Stan was just sitting on the bench that was outside, drinking some Pitt-Cola. He was currently just waiting for something to happen, the portal wasn't supposed to start up until six so he had exactly six hours left now (he checked his watch to make sure), Stan sighed. He was going to have to tell the twins soon, they would surely lose their trust in him if.

Mabel held up her icey-pop. "To Grunkle Stan!" She yelled. "Not just a great uncle-" She paused.

"The greatest uncle!" Dipper yelled, finishing Mabel's sentence. They both lifted up water balloons and started to throw them at Stan.

Stan laughed, nearly choking on his drink that he had just recently taken a drink from. "Alright, alright. I tell you, it's unnatural for siblings to get along as well as you do."

Mabel said that they had all summer to drive each other crazy before Stan mumbled something and left to refresh his soda, when a small red dot landed on him. Thinking it was a ladybug, Stan slapped himself, until more red dots, lasers, appeared on him. A masked man jumped out of nowhere and pinned Stan down to the ground. All there was was yelling, Stan yelling for them to get off him, the twins yelling out their grunkle's name. The agent who had pinning Stan down got up, grabbing Stan and another guy placed handcuffs on his hands. Agent Powers, who had nearly been eaten by a zombie Dipper had accidentally raised from the dead, showed Stan a video of someone stealing radioactive waste. Stan lied, saying it wasn't him. The agents pushed him into the car, Stan started to bang on the windows, trying to tell the kids that they were wrong and it wasn't him or stole the waste, although it was Stan who did it.

They drove away, Stan continuing to bang on the window, he had to make sure that the kids knew he wasn't bad. Sure, he stole radioactive waste but he did that for family, they would understand that. At least, he hoped so. The man in the front yelled at Stan, telling him to be quiet, so he did, Stan didn't want them thinking that he was hiding something else. Like Y/n, she was downstairs in the basement, that the government guys had no idea about. They drove to the police station in Gravity Falls, the government guy in the front of the car got out and grabbed Stan by the wrists, practically the chain connecting the handcuffs, and put his hand behind Stan's back, leading him inside the station. He only struggled a little, he did not want anyone finding the portal, both he and Y/n would be thrown in jail for stealing and making an illegal contraption, and then they would find out about Y/n not aging and then send her to be tested on. So, he struggled, for both his friend, for the last thirty years, and his family.

The government guys brought Stan into a small room, a interviewing room, and left, leaving just Stan and Agent Powers. Stan managed to get a phone call, he wanted to call Y/n but she didn't have a phone on her at the moment, so instead, he called Soos. Stan told Soos to protect the vending machine leading to the basement with his life, Y/n would figure out that the government guys were upstairs and not move but Stan wasn't sure if they would somehow figure out that the vending machine was a hidden door. The government guys would surely ply it open with whatever they had and find Y/n down there, shut down the machine and throw both him and Y/n in jail. Stan checked his synced watch, only five more hours until the portal went off.

Soos made it to the vending machine, having no idea why Stan would want him to guard food with his life, but Soos didn't care, he would do anything for Stan, well, almost anything. Soos hadn't gotten in until late, about five something and Stan had made the call at one something, but it wasn't his fault, Soos had to figure out a way to get past the government guys. He had stood in front of the vending machine for about three minutes before the twins ran up to him, somehow got passed him, and pushed the code in.

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