CHAPTER TWELVE: Fiddleford McGucket

Start from the beginning

Dipper started showing him the journal, and I caught sight of a symbol I've seen before, an eye with a x in it. Fiddleford started to freak out, yelling something about the Blind Eye, men in robes and about how they did something with his mind. They had erased his memory! That's why he didn't recognize me when we've met before and why he looked slightly confused when I was on his makeshift doorstep. He knew he knew me from somewhere, he just didn't know where! He showed us a newspaper, with the museum on it, and so, we headed there. It was apparently the last place Fidds remembers, poor guy, not only did he lose his house and family, he lost his memory.

When we reached the museum we looked around for a little bit before finding a way into the basement with Fiddleford's help, and there were many people down there, dressed in red robes with eyes crossed out on the hood, Lazy Susan was also there and she was explaining what she saw. Gnomes, those nasty buggers. Everyone was surprised at what they did, and any of us could be next if they found us, especially me, I am, probably, a supernatural myself after all.

Soos, Dipper, and Fiddleford went to go look for Fidds' memories after the men sent Susan's to something called the Hall of the Forgotten, leaving Wendy, Mabel and I alone watching the men as they chatted and got ready to leave. Wendy and Mabel sat down and talked about girly things while I stood and watched in case anyone came close to finding us. Once the members were gone they ran off and grabbed the gun, Mabel typing something and aiming it at herself.

"Mabel no!" I slightly yelled, running up to her and grabbing the gun. "What were you thinking, you could end up losing all of your memory!" I told her.

Mabel looked up at me and I felt Wendy place her hand on my shoulder. "I'm with Y/n on this Mabel, what if you accidentally forget something you don't want to forget."

Mabel said something and an alarm went off. Members flooded the area we were in and grabbed us by the wrists, brought us over to a supporting pole and tied us up. Something must have happened to the boys because they came here too not long after we were tied up. We were about to get our memories erased, so we did the most idiotic thing to do if we didn't lose our memories. Told our deepest secrets.

"Mabel, for half the summer, I thought you're name was Maple, like the syrup. No one corrected me!"

"I only love some of my stuff animals and the guilt is killing me!"

"Sometimes I use big words, and I don't actually know what they mean. I mean, I'm supposed to be the smart guy. If I'm not the smart guy, who am I?"

"Okay, I'm not actually laid back. I'm stressed, like, twenty-four-seven. Have you met my family?"

Everyone turned to look at me, I might as well say one of the secrets I've been keeping. "I've known about the supernatural since I was seventeen!"

"Wait, aren't you seventeen right now?" Mabel questioned, making Soos give me a confusing look.

"Dude, weren't you twenty-two when, like, five years ago? Wouldn't that make you, what, twenty-seven now?" Soos asked, making everyone look at me.

Blind Ivan, as we learned was the leader of The Blind Eye, aimed the gun at us. "Oh, stop being a bunch of babies." He pushed the trigger down and a bright light spread to us, I closed my eyes, waiting for my memory to be erased. It didn't.

I opened my eyes to see Fiddleford in front of us, he hadn't been captured! "McGucket?" Everyone called out, except for me, I was just amazed at what he did. He only met us (well, once again, rather than me but he didn't remember that) at the beginning of the summer and only got to really know us today. And he just risked his life for us, and besides, I would've called him Fiddleford. Saying last names were never really my thing, unless I'm really angry at the person, in that case, last name it is.

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