TELL ME: Give Reasons

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Dear mine,

Why are you doing all this? Would you plz stop for a while and give me a proper reason?

You think i am not contantly staring at the "online" which apears underneath your name. You think i dont see it when changes to "typing" then back to "online" why will you hurt me this much.. Its like i am begging you to speak up and you just wont! And i am still burning my eyes with it. Waiting. Just waiting.

Knowing that you can never be the first to speak up after this shit. After the fights you will surely not be the one who tries!! Never!! But still you type your words and delete them before me knowing what your thoughts are. I am blank i cant even guess!!

I hate it! I hate myself! And i hate you more than my hate to myself which is caused because of you.



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