[2: the forgotten heroes]

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The Fields of Punishment? Leo was being taken there? Surely he couldn't right? He had died to save everyone from Gaia, wasn't that heroic?

You always knew you would end up here. His inner voice remarked cruelly, and Leo felt cold. He thought he was getting better, more self-confident and happy. He was determined to not be the same insecure and self-hating kid he at the beginning of the Great Prophecy. No one about that though. He was the happy Leo, the funny Leo, the careless Leo. You should hate yourself. You're going to the Fields of Punishment.

Leo frowned. These weren't his thoughts. Not anymore. He was getting better, even if no one noticed. Maybe this a part of his punishment. Yes, this had to be a punishment.

How clever of you. His inner voice remarked snidely. You figured it out, for once in your life. Yes, this is part of your punishment. Another part will also be you reliving your worst memories, so have fun with that one while also being tortured. Although, I could give you a small taste now.

Leo suddenly started seeing memories that he never wanted to remember again. A warehouse, with a locked door, turned into a warehouse in flames, while Gaia watches with a smirk. Hera, taunting him, with a stick and a rattlesnake. Aunt Rosa's sharp nails against his cheek as her words stayed engraved in his mind. A belt in Teresa's hand as she gave a wicked smile. Memories he never wanted to think again, but he still thought of in the late hours of the night.

"Stop." A firm voice commanded. Leo watched the skeletons stop immediately and drop him on the ground. Stinging marks were left on his arm where the skeletons grabbed him. He was glad they let go of him, despite the fact that those bony bastards still surrounded him. Leo looked up to the voice that saved him from his memories and saw a girl.

The girl was an olive skin tone, with a mane of brown hair tumbling from a dark green hat. She was wearing a long brown skirt as well, and a jacket similiar to the one Nico wore all the time, except her's was more of a light gray. There was something familiar to this girl.

"Leave this boy alone." The girl spoke again, this time making brief eye contact with him.

"Miss, this boy is to be taken to the Fields of Punishment. He tried escaping it." A skeleton spoke, gesturing to Leo.

"Let me deal with it." The girl crossed her arms and took a step forwards.


"I am the daughter of Hades, and I will tell my father if you do not listen to me."

Leo froze. Daughter of Hades? The only children of Hades or Pluto Leo has ever heard of was Hazel and Nico. Who was this girl, and why was she helping him?

The skeletons seemed to fear her words as they quickly dispersed, leaving Leo alone on the floor with this mysterious girl. She walked over to him and struck out a hand to help him up, which he took.

"My name is Bianca di Angelo, and I know all about you, Leo Valdez."

"What, what?" Leo brushed off the dirt on himself and looked at the girl. He had so many questions, and truthfully he didn't know which he should ask. "Can you backtrack?"

"I'm Nico's sister, if that's why you're confused. I'm dead, I died a few years ago on a quest, and I came here." Bianca gave a sad smile before continuing. "Nico kept trying to summon me, so I made sure he thought I had choose rebirth. It's easier on him, that way. Over the years, I've helped out my dad a few times, so I have a bit of power here, if that answers another one of your questions."

In truth, it did, but Leo was still confused. "How do you know all about me?"

Bianca gave half a smile and gestured for him to start following her. He didn't know where they were going, but he trusted this girl. She was Nico's sister, and although that dude was creepy, he was still a friend of Leo's. Besides, the girl already helped him out with the skeletons.

"It gets lonely down here. So, sometimes I travel above to see what everyone is doing. I don't let them see me ever, and I can't ever stay for long, but I do know things. I know about the Great Prophecy, and I know that your friends are grieving for you." Bianca let out a puff of air. Leo was getting more and more shocked as Bianca kept explaining.

He was also slightly happy knowing his friends were sad he died. It was horrible, and he knew that it was horrible, but he also wondered if anyone would care if he just disappeared like he's done so many times before. Everytime he thought about it, Leo would tell himself that they wouldn't notice. It was such a bad thought, but knowing that they were upset slightly comforted him. His friends actually cared about him.

Bianca stopped, and Leo saw that they were now in a bedroom. The walls were bare, and the bed had plain white sheets and a black blanket. The only thing that showed any personality in the room was a picture frame next to the bed that had an old picture of Bianca, Nico, and what appeared to their mom. The picture looked to be taken in the 1940's, which he knew Nico was from.

Bianca dove under her bed, and pulled out a ratty shoebox. Without realizing, she tossed the  box to him. Leo barely caught it before looking inside. It was a blue pearl that managed to shine even in the din lighting.

"What is this?"

"It's a pearl. I found it on one of my errands, saved it incase. When you crash it by your feet, it'll take you to the ocean. 'What belongs to the sea returns to the sea' and all that stuff. You could use one of Persephone's roses to leave, but if I do recall, you need to get back to Calypso, right?"

Leo was too shocked with all the information he's received to do anything but nod.

"These pearls have the ability to take you anywhere with a water source, if you tinker it a bit with some magic. Ogygia is an island, and I think this could help get there." Bianca looked at him with a smile.

Leo ran up and hugged her. "Holy hera, thank you!"

Bianca laughed. She missed the feeling and excitement of doing quests with others. She's been lonely for such a long time.

"There's more though. You're going to need to be alive to leave the underworld, we're going to need to find get you your body. And, you know how I mentioned the pearls need some tinkering?" Leo nodded, and Bianca continued. "Well, I got some people to help us from Elysium."

Three people walked into the room, one was a boy with rough and calloused hands that were easily recognized as a child of Hephaestus. He had dark skin that was even darker since it was covered in grim. His arm was slung around a girl. She had dark hair that flowed loosely to around her her waist. She had a flower tucked into it, and a nice smile as she entered the room. The third person was a boy who looked very similiar to Jason. One of the only noticeable difference between the two was the boy in front of him had a scar running alongside his face.

Bianca gave a grin. "Leo, meet Charles Beckendorf, Silena Beauregard, and Luke Castellan."

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